Year End Sale Day 1
Por Atlee Raber Auction
17020 Dover Road Dundee, OH 44624, Estados Unidos
La subasta ha concluído

LOTE 429:

Huge Impressive painting of early horse-drawn fire wagons

Vendido por: $1 700
Precio inicial:
$ 25
Precio estimado :
$25 - $5 000
Comisión de la casa de subasta: 24%
IVA: 6.75% IVA sólo en comisión
27.12.22 en Atlee Raber Auction

Huge Impressive painting of early horse-drawn fire wagons
Great colorful and detailed painting of early fire wagons and storefronts in amazing condition! Age and origin is unknown, as it is unsigned, does not appear to be old old, but with impeccable graphics! In a fancy ornate frame. Out of the former Dan Hardesty Museum . 54 in x 125 in.