Shu"t Mahar'i Assad, with glosses of the famous Gaon Rabbi Feivel Flaut – including a mention of a halachic decision of his Rebbe the Chasam Sofer.
Shu't Mahar'i Assad (Yehuda Ya'ale), Part II on Choshen Mishpat and Even Haezer, by the Gaon Rabbi Yehuda Assad, Pressburg 1880. First Edition.
Throughout the book, the Gaon Rabbi Faivel Plaut, author of the Likutei Chaver Ben Chaim', one of the greatest students of the Chasam Sofer, and one of the greatest copyists of his traditions and Torah. In siman 24, the author discusses the issue of a wedding in the second half of the month, and Rabbi Feivel poses the difficulty with his omission of
the fact that the Chasam Sofer, celebrated his own son Rabbi Shimon Sofer of Krakau's wedding (to the daughter of Rabbi Dov Ber Sternberg)
on Lag BaOmer in the year 1837. In siman 266 he mentions a teaching he heard from the Gaon Rabbi Yechezkel Bannet. In another gloss he mentions his book 'Likutei Chaver Ben Chaim'.
Ties of true friendship developed between the two great Torah sages, Rabbi Yehuda Assad and Rabbi Feivel Flaut. This is evident from their correspondence with each other: "...Much blessing to the head of a righteous man who is governed by the fear of God, a man of many deeds, …. my beloved friend the great luminary, a great and constant warrior for Hashem's war, Rabbi Feivel Plaut Rabbi of Shuran.."' (Shu't Mahar'i Assad Yoreh Deah siman 264).
The Gaon Rabbi Chizekiah Feivel Flaut, author of Likutei Chaver ben Chaim (1818 - 1895), was the distinguished student of the 'Chasam Sofer', and one of the greatest copyists of the hearsay from his mouth, he served as the of Rabbi Shurani. He corresponded with his teacher the Chasam Sofer, the Kesav Sofer and other great sages of his time, and they answered him with great respect. He authored the 'Likutei Chaver Ben Chaim' series in eleven parts, in which he brings much of the Torah of the Chasam Sofer, he also wrote many glosses on the Shu't Noda Biyehuda, and they were included in all common editions.
מצב טוב – בינוני, חיזוקי בשער, מעט קרעים קלים ובלאי, חלק מההגהות קצוצות.