Spectacular Auction, Large Collections, Early Imprints, Slavita & Zhitomir, Kabballah, Signatures, Copies of Famous Rebbes, Manuscripts & letters, Fabulous Silverware.
By Appel Auction
Dec 3, 2024
., United States
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LOT 27:

Collection of Rare Antique Seforim Salonika Imprints, 1717-1851. Elegant Leather Bindings. First & Only Editions. ...

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Sold for: $1,400
Start price:
$ 500
Buyer's Premium: 25%
sales tax: 8.375% On the full lot's price and commission
Auction took place on Dec 3, 2024 at Appel Auction

Collection of Rare Antique Seforim Salonika Imprints, 1717-1851. Elegant Leather Bindings. First & Only Editions. Signatures.

1. Sefer Chidushei HaRav - Novel insights on sections of the Talmudic tractates Bava Kama, Bava Metzia, Ketubot, Gittin, Shevuot, Chullin, and Avoda Zara by Rabbi Baruch Anjel.

First Edition. Salonika, 1717.

With: Sha’alot u'Teshuvot (Questions and Answers) by Rabbi Baruch Anjel.

Extremely Rare!

Title page includes the signature of Rabbi Emanuel Shalem [a scholar of Salonika] and a partially cut signature of Rabbi Yehoshua Shlomo Ardit Mercado.

Rabbi Yehoshua Shlomo Ardit (Arditi) Mercado (1749-1876) was a head of rabbinical court, Talmudic commentator, preacher, and decisor in Izmir and surrounding areas.

2. Sefer Mishpatim Yesharim - Questions and Answers from the Rabbis of Salonika by Rabbi Shmuel ben Chason and Rabbi Shmuel Gaon of Salonika.

First Edition. Salonika, 1733.

Extremely Rare!

3. SeferShvitat Yom Tov - Questions and Answers according to the four sections of the Tur, along with innovations on passages from the Talmud, Maimonides, and more, by Rabbi Yom Tov Ankawa.

First Edition. Salonika, 1748. Printed by Israelijah and Mordechai Nachman.

Extremely Rare!

4. She'elot u'Teshuvot Maharshal - Part Three, focusing on cases pertaining to Choshen Mishpat by Rabbi Shmuel di Medina.

Salonika, 1798.

Title page bears the signature of Rabbi "Shazvani Hebroni" – Rabbi Shneur Zalman Schneerson, author of Nimukei Shazvani, a prominent Chabad rabbi in Hebron and Jerusalem (passed 1882). His mother was the daughter of Rabbi Moshe Schneerson, son of the author of the Tanya.

5. Sefer Divrei Chefetz - Sermons on Yom Kippur, by Rabbi Aharon di Toledo.

First Edition. Salonika, 1798.

Extremely Rare!

6. Sefer  Ben Mask - Commentary on the Talmud by Rabbi Shlomo Kamondo.

First Edition. Salonika, 1802.

7. SeferTola'at Shani - Sermons organized according to the weekly Torah portions by Rabbi Avraham Penso.

First Edition. Salonika, 1805. Printed by Mordechai Nachman. With endorsements by Rabbi Yitzchak ben David Pardo and Rabbi David Pinto (son-in-law of Rabbi David Pardo).


8. Migdal Chananel" - Sermons, compilations, and laws by Rabbi Chananel Chabif.

First Edition. Salonika, 1819.

With an introduction and endorsements from the rabbis of Izmir: Rabbi Chaim Yitzchak Algazi, Rabbi David Amado, and Rabbi Rafael Ashkenazi. Ancient inscriptions on the title page.

9. Sefer Shema Avraham - The first work of Rabbi Avraham Palagi.

First Edition. Salonika, 1850-1851.

This sefer, the first by Rabbi Avraham Palagi, head of the rabbinical court in Izmir, is adorned with an endorsement and preface by his father, Rabbi Chaim Palagi, and includes responses from his father, Rabbi Yaakov, and his brother, Rabbi Yosef Palagi.


With a antique seal in the form of a Sephardic signature.

10. Another copy of the above sefer.

Overall Good Condition, Complete copies.

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