Large Collection of Antique Seforim, Russian & Polish imprints. , Bound in Elegant Leather. 1802–1845.
1. Sefer Shoshanat HaAmakim, commentaries by Rabbi Moshe Alshich on the five Megillot: Shoshanat HaAmakim on Song of Songs, Mas’at Moshe on Esther, Devarim Nichumim on Lamentations, Einei Moshe on Ruth, Devarim Tovim on Ecclesiastes.
Zolkiew, printed by Mordechai Rabinstein, 1802.
2. Sefer Chassidim, Zolkiew, 1806.
A rare edition in Yiddish!
Antique stamp: Yissachar Ber, son of Meshulam...
3. Commentary on the Torah by Rabbi Ovadia Sforno, including his commentary on Song of Songs.
[Lviv], 1808. Printed by Naftali Hertz Grossman
4. Sefer Chok Yaakov. Russia-Poland, 1810.
Ownership inscription and ancient stamp: Avraham Yechiel Halberstadt.
5. Sefer HaTerumah, authored by Rabbi Baruch of Regensburg, one of the Tosafists.
Zolkiew, 1811.
6. The Foundational sefer on the Laws of Slaughtering - Ohel Yitzchak - First Edition, Lviv, 1819. Endorsements by the Chatam Sofer and Yismach Moshe.
Sefer Ohel Yitzchak, on the laws of shechitah ( and inspection, by Rabbi Yitzchak ben Rabbi Eliezer, the shochet from Munkatch.
First edition (based on his earlier work Leket Yitzchak, with important additions). Lvov, 1819.
This sefer is based on the laws of shechitah and bedikah by Rabbi Yaakov Weil, with legal decisions from Tvuot Shor, Shulchan Aruch HaRav, and Pri Megadim, surrounded by commentaries Leket Yitzchak and Zevach Tamim. It includes rulings from Noda B'Yehuda, Levushai Serad, and Yad Ephraim. In the introduction, the author emphasizes the importance of Levushai Serad, calling it "a new edition with the endorsement of several pillars of fire, led by the holy man, Rabbi Levi Yitzchak, head of the rabbinical court of Berdichev."
Thesefer features endorsements from prominent figures such as the Chatam Sofer, Yismach Moshe, Maharim Mintz, and others. It became a foundational text for anyone studying shechitah and inspection, and in later editions was even translated into Dutch.
7. Sefer Yeshuot Meshicho, a treatise on the Messiah, refuting Christian claims.
First edition. [Sudilkov, 1828].
The place and date of printing were concealed due to the book's content, as it could not be openly printed in Russia.
Various opinions about the place of printing include: Karlsruhe, Ternopil, or Ostroh. For a description of the book, see the Bibliographic Project CD, record 106686. Chaim Lieberman, in his work Ohel Rachl, volume 3, New York, 1984, pp. 536-540, asserts it was printed in Sudilkov. Vinograd, Ostroh no. 176.
8. Sefer Shoshanat HaAmakim, a commentary on the Book of Esther by Rabbi Yaakov of Lissa, author of Netivot HaMishpat and other works.
Second edition. Warsaw, 1838.
Antique signature: Meir, son of Yisrael of Lomza.
9. Sefer Rikanti, legal rulings by the Kabbalist Rabbi Menachem Ricanti.
Sudilkov, 1836.
Antique signatures and inscriptions: Yehoshua Halevi Epstein, R. Meir Halevi Epstein. "I purchased it from R. Avraham Halir from here, Chaim, son of the righteous Tzvi Avraham..."
Marginal notes.
10. Sefer Zevach Ratzon, on the laws of shechitah and inspection, by Rabbi Shraga Feivel Frankel.
First edition. Krotschin, 1845.
Overall Good- Great Condition, Complete copies.