Large collection of antique Seforim Frankfurt & Berlin imprints, bound in elegant leather bindings, 1699–1791. First & Only Editions. Signatures.
1. Sefer Shu"t Avodot HaGershoni, Volume One by the renowned Rabbi Gershon Ashkenazi, Av Beit Din of Vienna and Nikolsburg.
Illustrated and beautiful title page, with an architectural round frame, featuring foliage and angelic figures (the same title page where Shu"t Bach was first printed).
Frankfurt am Main, 1699. First Edition. Printed by Johann Wust.
Antique signature:
Yeshaya Leib Semnitz.
2. Sefer Masgeret HaShulchan, novellae on Shulchan Aruch, Choshen Mishpat, by Rabbi Binyamin Ze'ev Wolf, Dayan of Pinczow.
Berlin, 1713. Only Edition
3. Sefer Orakh Mishor, explanations and novellae on Tractate Nazir, by Rabbi Yochanan Kramnitzer.
Berlin, 1723. First edition.
One of the fundamental works on Tractate Nazir. The author noticed that very few commentaries had been written on this tractate, and there were also many errors and misprints, so he endeavored to compose this sefer to make learning the tractate easier. This sefer has been printed multiple times as a standalone work, and since the Vilna Shas printed by the Widow and Brothers Romm, it has been included alongside Tractate Nazir up to the present day. Adorned with important endorsements from the rabbis of Poland.
Antique signature on the title page: "
The humble Yehoshua Falk..."
4. Sefer Orakh Mishor, same as above.
Antique signatures and inscriptions on the title page.
5. Sefer Yam Shel Shlomo on tractates and laws of Gittin, and the names of men and women, by the great Rabbi Shlomo Luria (the Maharshal).
Berlin, 1761. First Edition.
Stefansky Sifrei Yesod, No. 64.
6. Sefer Shu"t by Rabbeinu Moshe Alshich,
Berlin, 1766. With an endorsement by the rabbis of Berlin.
7. Sefer: Yesod: Beit Yisrael – Drisha and Perisha on Tur, Orach Chaim.
Berlin, 1767. First Edition.
8. Sefer Torat Yekutiel – A commentary on the first part (chapters 1-111) of Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh De'ah, with the text. At the end, questions and answers by Rabbi Raphael ben Yekutiel Ziskind HaKohen Katz (Hamburger).
Berlin, 1772. First Edition.
Antique signature:
Eliyahu Lumbroso, may the Lord preserve him.
Additional antique Sephardic signatures and inscriptions.
9. Sefer She'arit Yisrael – Deveq Me'ach, Berlin, 1787. Only Edition.
A. She'arit Yisrael, novellae on the Talmud by Rabbi Yisrael Segal HaLevi.
B. Deveq Me'ach, novellae on Tractate Niddah and collections on the Talmud, by his brother Rabbi Uri Feivel Segal.
Berlin, 1787, Only Edition. Each sefer has a separate title page. Both works were printed together.
10. Sefer Yitdot Ohelim, sermons arranged according to the weekly Torah portions, by Rabbi Yoel ben Meir, Av Beit Din of Schönlanke.
Berlin, 1788, printed by the "Society for the Education of Youth." First edition.
The beginning of the sefer contains an endorsement from Rabbi Yosef Teomim, the Pri Megadim, and endorsements from the rabbis of Berlin. This sefer is one of the works written in the context of the fight of the great rabbis of Israel against the Haskalah movement (see the introduction by Rabbi Natan Friedland in his sefer Kos Yeshuot regarding this sefer).
11. Sefer Bina LeItim, sermons by Rabbi Azariah Figo, author of Gidulei Terumah.
Berlin, 1791.
Overall Great condition, Complete copies.