Spectacular Auction, Large Collections, Early Imprints, Slavita & Zhitomir, Kabballah, Signatures, Copies of Famous Rebbes, Manuscripts & letters, Fabulous Silverware.
By Appel Auction
Dec 3, 2024
., United States
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LOT 16:

Large & significant collection of antique seforim, 1699–1839. Signatures and annotations, mostly first editions.

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Sold for: $750
Start price:
$ 500
Buyer's Premium: 25%
sales tax: 8.375% On the full lot's price and commission
Auction took place on Dec 3, 2024 at Appel Auction

Large & significant collection of antique seforim, 1699–1839. Signatures and annotations, mostly first editions.

1. Sefer She’elot u-Teshuvot Avodat HaGershuni (Responsa of Rabbi Gershon Ashkenazi, prominent rabbi of Vienna and Nikolsburg).

Illustrated and beautiful title page with a round architectural frame, vegetation, and angel figures (the same title page used in the first printing of Responsa of the Bach).

Frankfurt am Main, 1699, First Edition, printed by Johann Wuest, published by the author’s son, Rabbi Natan.

On the title page, an old signature: "Nechemia Shatz u-Matz…"

Another old signature: "Mordechai Segal, 1791."

Two significant old annotations.

2. Sefer She’arei Kenesset HaGedolah, section on Orach Chaim. Constantinople, 1729, printed by Yona ben Yaakov [Ashkenazi].

3. Sefer She’elot u-Teshuvot Tashbetz (Responsa of Rabbeinu Shimon ben Tzemach Duran), four parts, with Responsa Chut HaMeshulash by the author’s descendants.

Amsterdam, printed by Naftali Hertz Levi, 1738-1739, First Edition.

Two title pages, the first illustrated with figures of Moses, Aaron, David, and Solomon.

Title page signatures of Rabbi Sender Leib Segal [Margolies] of Kalisz, Av Beit Din of Gombin.

Ownership inscription on the flyleaf showing the sefer belonged to Ze’ev Wolf of Gombin, author of Midrash Ketubah (Warsaw, 1823).

Further ownership marks indicating that the sefer belonged to his grandson, Rabbi Gershon Engelman, Av Beit Din of Krasnewitz.

An old signature on the introduction page.

4. Sefer Pirush HaTorah by Rabbeinu Yaakov Ba’al HaTurim, with Itur Bikurim.

Fuerth, printed by Chaim ben Tzvi Hirsch, 1752, First Edition of the commentary.

Old ownership mark of the distinguished officer R. Leib Ulma.

Stamp: Pinchas Brazaze from Mako’ovi.

5. Sefer Ollelot Ephraim (Sermons for Festivals and Ethics) by Rabbi Ephraim of Lunshitz.

Zolkiew, 1763. The word “Amsterdam” is prominently highlighted on the title page.
Ancient signature at the top of the title page.

Title page with signature of Rebbe Menachem Binyamin ben Tzion Rotenberg-Halberstam of Wodzislaw, descendant of the Divrei Chaim (through his son Rabbi David Halberstam of Kshanov).

6. Sefer She’elot u-Teshuvot HaRadvaz, vol. 3, Fuerth, 1781.

Antique Signature at the top of the title page: Avraham Abele HaCohen.

7. Sefer She’elot u-Teshuvot Har HaCarmel by Rabbi Eliyahu ben Yechezkel, Av Beit Din of Bilgoraj. First Edition, Frankfurt an der Oder, 1782.

Stamp: Yeshayahu Hirshpinkel.

8. Sefer HaKanah, on the mitzvot. Important Kabbalistic work, published under a name some consider pseudonymous – Rabbi Even Gedor Kanah, author of Sefer HaPlea.

Poritzk, , 1786. First edition. Printed in a new press established by the partners Rebbi Shlomo ben Avraham of Lovitzk, Elimelech ben Yaakov of Lovitzk, and Avraham ben Yitzchak Isaac of Koretz.

Printed by the holy Rebbi Shlomo of Lutsk, one of the great disciples of the Maggid of Mezeritch (a close relative and assistant of the Maggid – see Encyclopedia of Hasidism, vol. 3, pp. 898–899). Rebbi Shlomo printed Kabbalistic and Hasidic works in Koretz, together with his son-in-law Rabbi Avraham ben Yitzchak Isaac of Koretz. Rebbi Shlomo served as a maggid in Koretz, and in his old age moved to the city of Skohl, where he taught his great disciple, Rebbi Shalom Rokeach, the first Rebbe of Belz.

The sefer includes approbations from the rabbis of Ostroh and Breziv, Kabbalistic illustrations of the Sefirot, and the exalted liturgical poem "HaAdret VeHaEmunah LeChai Olamim" with interesting textual variations.

9. Sefer Mishnat Chachamim on Maimonides by Rabbi Yosef Heichgelernter, teacher of the Kotzker Rebbe, one of the great rabbis of Poland.

Lemberg, 1790, Only Edition, printed by R. Shlomo Yarish Rapoport (famed printer of Noam Elimelech).

Mishnat Chachamim, and surrounding it Yavin Shomea, Tzafnat Paneach, and other novelties from the author’s father, son-in-law, and son, with profound knowledge of Talmud and early commentators, focusing on the 613 mitzvot discussed by Maimonides and the Ba’al Halachot Gedolot.

At the top of the title page, an old signature : Israel? Chanoch Henoch HaCohen.

10. Sefer Toldot Adam VeChava and Sefer Mesharim – Halacha by Rabbeinu Yerucham ben Meshulam, one of the early sages "Rabbeinu Yerucham."

Kapust, 1808, printed by Avraham ben Yaakov Segal and Yitzchak ben Shmuel.

This edition is adorned with endorsements from the great rabbis of that generation: Rebbe Levi Yitzchak of Berdichev and Rabbi Chaim of Volozhin, renowned disciple of the Vilna Gaon. These two towering figures were born and passed in almost overlapping years, and it is very rare to find the endorsements of Hasidic and Misnagdic leaders on the same page.

Toldot Adam VeChava is a foundational sefer in halachic rulings and frequently cited in legal and responsa literature. Scholars of each generation studied it closely, meticulously analyzing its words.

The sefer consists of three parts: Toldot Adam (laws from birth to marriage), Toldot Chava (laws from marriage to death), and Sefer Mesharim on financial laws.

On the title page, an ancient ownership inscription: Belongs to the rabbi of the holy community of Sh…

Signature and stamp: Alexander Mazish of Biala. Stamp: Yudel bar Maz Mazish of Biala.

11. Sefer HaYashar (Commentary on Talmudic Sugyot and Responsa) by Rabbeinu Yaakov Tam, one of the foundational, prominent seforim.

Vienna, 1811, First Edition.

Endorsed by Rabbi Mordechai Banet and the Chatam Sofer, with diagrams.

Stefansky, Sifrei Yesod, no. 48.

Antique ownership records of the family of R. Aharon Horowitz of Warsaw.

Signature: Binyamin Segal Horowitz.

Signatures and notations by Rabbi Yisrael Meshulam Yostman (1845-1884) dated 1864.

12. Sefer She’elot u-Teshuvot Tur HaEven by Rabbi Eliezer Oberbach. Only Edition, Poritzk, 1818. The author was one of the teachers of the Levush HaSerad.

Endorsements by Rabbi Aryeh Leib Teomim of Brody and Rabbi Mordechai Yaffe of Brody.

Antique signature on page 10.

13. Sefer Ramban on the Torah – Pressburg, 1839, printed by Anton Schmid.

Commentary by the great kabbalist, holy man Rabbi Moshe ben Nachman Girondi (Nachmanides) on the Five Books of Moses.

Signature: Natan ben Ze’ev Wolf of Biala.

Stamp: Dovber Silberman, M''m.

Overall Good Condition, Complete Copies. She’elot u-Teshuvot Tashbetz with illustrated title page & part 4 title page only.

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