This special Chabad collection is from the Chosid and Tomim Reb Chaim Tzvi Konikov A”H. Throughout his years living in Daled Amos of 770 he was always seen at the Farbrengens, Kois Shel Bracha, Children’s Rally’s, Tefillos, Sunday Dollars, and distribution of Kuntreisim.
He was Zocheh to have a Bar Mitzvah Yechidus with his family and the Rebbe. As a Bochur he was known for volunteering on the days the “Mitzvah Tanks” would visit the five Boros of New York. The Rebbe acknowledged him as a “Tankist” when the Rebbe would distribute dollars after a Farbrengen, through the Bochrim who went on Mivtzoim.
Reb Chaim Tzvi was also known as a professional Bal Koreh Who taught boys how to layn. He was also the Bal Koreh at a number of Shuls in Crown Height including Rabbi Shein Shul.
For many years he was a Rebbi of the first and third grades at the United Lubavitch Yeshiva on Ocean Parkway. He would accompany his class to many Tefilos with the Rebbe where they would receive coins from the Rebbe for Tzedakah, or when the Rebbe would leave 770 on his way to the Ohel.
LOS 10:
Kuntres "Siyum VeHacnasat Sefer Torah" With two dollar bills given by the Rebbe's holy hands in the original ...
Verkauft für: $1 900
Auktionshaus-Provision: 25%
MwSt: 8.375%
Auf den vollen Lospreis und die Provision