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الوحدة 33:

Ba'al Ha-Nefesh, Berditchev 1817. Yessod Veshoresh HaAvodah, Horodna and Vilna, 1817.

تم البيع مقابل: $180
السعر المبدئي:
$ 100
عمولة صالة المزادات: 25%
ضريبة القيمة المضافة: 8.375% على سعر الوحدة بالكامل والعمولة
5.9.23 في Appel Auction
الكلمات الرمزية:

Ba'al Ha-Nefesh, Berditchev 1817. Yessod Veshoresh HaAvodah, Horodna and Vilna, 1817.

1. Ba'al Ha-Nefesh by the Rabad – Berditchev, 1817

Sefer Ba'al Ha-Nefesh by the Rabad, Niddah rules. (Berditchev), [1817].

Chassidic Approbations of Rebbi Yisrael son of Rebbi Levy Yitzchak of Berditchev, and Rebbi Moshe of Zhvil son of Rebbe Yechiel Michal of Yampoli [Zlotchow].

On title page appears the writing "Berditchev Letters", see about this edition: Bibliography Institute CD, record 0106784, (according to A. Ya'ari, the Hebrew Printing in Berditchev, Kiryat Sefer, 21, 1944-1945, page 116). According to the approbations, the printer is Rabbi Yisrael B"K.

Antique Hebrew stamp: Yaakov Hoffman.

Bound with: Sefer Nachalat Shivah, by Rabbi Shmuel HaLevi. [Berditchev, 1818].

Approbation by Rebbi Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev,

Fair condition , thick pages, stains and some worming throughout the back half, last few pages stuck together and detached from text block, text block partly detached from binding, original cloth binding, wormholes in cloth, spine and binding heavily stained and damaged.

40 leaves,  

20.5 Cm.

2. Yessod Veshoresh HaAvodah, by Rabbi Alexander Susskind. Horodna and Vilna, [1817].

Sefer Yessod Veshoresh HaAvodah of the prayer, the Tora and the Mitzvos, by Rabbi Alexander Susskind. The press og Menachem Mann and Simcha Zimmel, Horodna and Vilna, [1817]. 

Fair- good condition, repairs made to title page, stains, text block is detached from binding, original leather binding rubbed out and ripped at corners, lacking spine.

21 Cm.