Large Slavuta & Zhitomir collection, Belz, Satmar, Chabad, Hungarian Gedolim, Letters, Manuscripts, a outstanding collection of silverware & paintings.
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LOT 24:

Signature of the Holy Gaon & Tzadik Rabbi Moshe Greenwald Rabbi of Chust.the Arugas Habosem.

Vendu pour: $2 800
Prix de départ:
$ 1 000
Commission de la maison de ventes: 25%
TVA: 8.375% Sur le prix complet du lot + la commission
4.5.23 à Appel Auction

Signature of the Holy Gaon & Tzadik Rabbi Moshe Greenwald Rabbi of Chust.the Arugas Habosem.

Sefer Bais Shlomo Part 2, First edition Lviv 1878.

Title page with nice clear signature of the Holy Gaon & Tzadik Rabbi Moshe Greenwald Rabbi of Chust.

The famous Torah genius Rabbi Moshe Ben-Amram Greenwald (1853-1910, HaChatam Sofer Ve'Talmidav p. 521), one of the leading Hungarian rabbis and heads of yeshiva. Disciple of Rabbi Menachem Katz Prostitz of Tzehlim and disciple of the Ktav Sofer in Pressburg. As a young man, he already headed a yeshiva in his native city of Tcorna and later served in the rabbinate of several Hungarian communities. From 1893, he served as Av Bet Din of Chust. Although he studied in the yeshiva of the Chatam Sofer, he was affiliated with Chassidism and would travel to the Belz and Siget rebbes.

In Chust, he established his elaborate court and expanded his yeshiva which eventually became one of the largest yeshivas in Hungary. Disciples from all over the country and abroad flocked to his yeshiva and many Hungarian rabbis were his disciples. He was renowned for his compositions on Halacha and Aggada named Arugat HaBosem.

As a student of the Ktav Sofer, he declared war on those who were destroying Judaism with reforms, and his responsa addressed many issues of reiterating and building fences of halacha and the traditional path of his teachers.

Very Good condition, New binding.