Rare & Important! Books, Slavuta, Chabad, Chassidut, Letters, Manuscripts & A Outstanding Silver Collection
بواسطة Appel Auction
Pomona NY 10970, الولايات المتحدة
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الوحدة 26:

מסכת סוטה בפורמט קטן - הדפסה מיוחדת למצוות "ובלכתך בדרך" - אמשטרדם תפ"ג. נדיר.

تم البيع مقابل: $280
السعر المبدئي:
$ 150
عمولة صالة المزادات: 25%
ضريبة القيمة المضافة: 8.375% على سعر الوحدة بالكامل والعمولة
14.12.22 في Appel Auction
الكلمات الرمزية:

מסכת סוטה בפורמט קטן - הדפסה מיוחדת למצוות "ובלכתך בדרך" - אמשטרדם תפ"ג. נדיר.

Masechet Sota in a small format—a special printing for the mitzvot of “uvalechtecha vaderech”. Amsterdam 1723.

Masechet Sota “with Rashi’s commentary and the Tosafot and the piskei tosafot and everything which accompanies these in the first printings, page for page”, with chiddushei Maharsha at the end.

A special, separate printing—not part of a set. The title page of Tractate Taanit states: “done in a small format so that every man can carry it in his jacket pocket and read it when he is travelling…”.

Amsterdam 1723. Every leaf from normal editions appears in this edition as 2 leaves (with larger letters) to make it easier for readers.

96, [5] leaves. Antique signatures.

Good condition, age stains, several tiny holes on title page, original binding.