Chassidut, Letters, Chasam Sofer, Holy objects, Art & Silver.
Por Appel Auction
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LOTE 264:

History of one of the Purchases in Palestine" , Sharp Polemic against Deceptive Purchase of Land by Gur Hasidim ...

Vendido por: $110
Preço inicial:
$ 50
Comissão da leiloeira: 25%
IVA: 8.375% Sobre o preço e comissão do lote inteiro
11.1.22 em Appel Auction

History of one of the Purchases in Palestine" , Sharp Polemic against Deceptive Purchase of Land by Gur Hasidim, Jerusalem 1925.

History of one of the land purchases during the days of speculations in 1925. Published by "Hachsharat HaYishuv" company in Palestine, Jerusalem, 1925.

A sharply worded Polemic Against Ger Chassidim who were representing the Rebbe the Imrei Emes of Gur.

Extremely rare!

A booklet concerning the purchase of Abu Kishk lands in the area of Ramat Hasharon. The booklet tells how a group of Polish Jews, of the Gur Hasidic court ("being members of 'Agudat Israel'"), tried to cancel a contract signed by "Hachsharat HaYeshuv" through its representative Yehoshua Hankin, for the purchase of Abu Kishk lands (Abu Kishk, present day Ramat Hasharon, Hod Hasharon and Military Industries plant Ramat Hasharon), offering a higher price for the land.

The case was brought before a court in Jaffa, before the court of Rabbi Kook and the court of Rabbi Sonnenfeld prior to the signature on the new contract and afterward. However, the buyers insisted, the previous agreement with "Hachsharat HaYishuv" was cancelled and a new agreement was signed with this group. Finally, due to the economic crisis in the country at the time, the new buyers failed to fulfill their obligations and the agreement was cancelled. The land was sold, instead, by "Hachsharat HaYishuv".

29 pp, 24 cm. Good condition.