Leilão 123 The Asian story
Por Alma
Ibn Gabirol St 71, Tel Aviv-Yafo, floor -2, row 15 (in the paring) Israel

Alma is honored to present to the Israeli public and the general International collecting community, -”An Asian Story”. An auction catalog where the Far East meets Middle East. Bronze Buddhas, Hetian Jade snuff bottles, old Chinese calligraphic scrolls and much more, sourced from all over Israel. The diverse collection is not the product of one homogeneous collection; rather the catalog was composed and curated from over 40 different collections, including: Several old collections from the Jewish Harbin community in China, An old Shanghai business mans collection and much more. Alma is proud to showcase the rich material culture of the Far East that has made its way to our small corner of the world.

This is a unique opportunity for collectors and Asian enthusiasts to enrich their collection with fine authentic items. An auction of this diversity and continuity rarely presents itself to the Israeli public.

Happy bidding!

live auction with Auctioneer

Delivery by delivery man to the customers home, 58 nis (for any size/number of items in Israel)

*we don't send by other services.

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O leilão terminou

LOTE 261:

antique, rare, Thai, walking bronze Buddha. 7th cent.

Preço inicial:
$ 2 800
Preço estimado :
Comissão da leiloeira: 22% Mais detalhes
IVA: 18% Sobre a comissão apenas
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18.10.20 em Alma
identificações: Extremo Oriente

antique, rare, Thai, walking bronze Buddha. 7th cent.
An outstanding, antique, rare, Thai, walking bronze Buddha.
17th cent. Ayuthia period.
Such items are incredible rare this days.
The Buddhas' face and body are of a young man, correlating to very early models of the Buddha. In his face we can see the typical serene expression of the Gupta period , of the 6-8th cent., above his ushinsha, unlike the Gupta period, there is a flame. His right hand side longer than ordinary size hand, reaching to his knee and typical to his period. His left hand is in the preaching mudra, and he is wearing the typical attire to his period: a long robe, attached to his left hand, keeping his right shoulder bare.
There is a crack to the right leg and the left leg has an old repair. there is a partial loss at the back of the base, another crack to the left side. A very rich, deep, brown patina with green inclusions.
size 38x10x cm