September Discovery Sale
Por 500 Gallery
1243 Pond Street, Franklin. MA 02038, Estados Unidos
La subasta ha concluído


Edgar Degas, After: Dancers

Precio inicial:
$ 450
Precio estimado :
$450 - $1 200
Comisión de la casa de subasta: 35%
IVA: 6.35% IVA sobre el lote, no sobre la comisión
9.9.20 en 500 Gallery

Edgar Degas, After: Dancers
Edgar Degas (French, 1834-1917) After: Dancers. Graphite and oil crayon on paper, signed in bottom margin. Verso marked "E.D, 76" and marked with illegible stamp.

Edgar Degas was a prominent impressionist painter best known for his depictions of dancers. Initially trained as an academic history painter, Degas soon found inspiration in modern life and became known as the classical painter of modern life.