Guerchon Gallery
בודנהיימר פינת פנקס
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Auction house Guerchon Gallery
The auction house is managed by Zohar Bernard Cohen,
the auction house was founded in 2018,
We deal with all kinds of art .
You can contact us for advice and evaluation of your items for free.
The auction house does everything possible so that the items listed in the catalog will be of the highest standard and to expand your private collection.
Auction house Guerchon Gallery
The auction house is managed by Zohar Bernard Cohen,
the auction house was founded in 2018,
We deal with all kinds of art .
You can contact us for advice and evaluation of your items for free.
The auction house does everything possible so that the items listed in the catalog will be of the highest standard and to expand your private collection.
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Guerchon Gallery - Leilão 2
Mr. Yaakov Adler's private collection publishes and distributes art multiples, created by carefully chosen artists. In this sale you will find works by the greatest artists in Israel and abroad

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