LOS 191: Complete Work on the Sifra by the 'Keter Kehunah' - Thousands of Handwritten Lines. Sefer Sifra-Torat Kohanim with a commentary by the R"Sh of Sandz and Hagahot Mahari"d by Rabbi Ya'akov David [Biderman] of Wyszogród. Warsaw, 1866. First edition of the commentary by the R"sh of Sandz. Thousands ...
LOS 192: Treasure Trove: [202] Booklets [Approximately 10,000 Pages] Handwritten by the Gaon Rabbi Shmuel Yehudah Hirsch, Av Beit Din of Zwolle [Holland]. Huge collection of [202] booklets containing close to ten thousand pages - derashot , Torah novellae and more, all handwritten by the gaon and tzaddik ...
LOS 193: Unprinted Work by the Gaon Rabbi Moshe Aryeh Leib Bamberger, the Aruch LaNer's Son-in-Law. Manuscript - Torah novellae on Tractate Gittin, in page order, with various compilations. Handwritten by the gaon Rabbi Moshe Aryeh Leib Bamberger, av beit din of Bad-Kissingen, son of the gaon Rabbi ...
LOS 194: Important Collection of [5] Unprinted Manuscripts from the Bamberger Family Archive. Collection of [5] handwritten sefarim and kuntressim by different writers, some unidentified. The source of these writings is the Bamberger family - the prominent German rabbinic family. * Indices for various ...
LOS 195: Manuscript. Volume of Talmudic Insights [Hungary? C. 1840]. Handwritten manuscript with insights on various Talmudic topics. Clear and orderly Ashkenazi script, according to our estimation, it was written in Hungary, in the early 1840s. Complete work from beginning to end. Beginning from the ...
LOS 196: Draft Leaves of Kehillot Ya'akov Handwritten by the Author, the Steipler. [Bnei Brak, C. 1940s]. Group of [5] leaves with Torah novellae on Talmudic tractates handwritten by the gadol hador , Rabbi Ya'akov Yisrael Kanievsky, known as "The Steipler." These are drafts from his monumental work ...
LOS 197: Huge Collection of [80] Edah Chareidit Membership Certificates Signed by Gedolei HaDor. Unique historic collection consisting of more than eighty membership payment cards of various personalities, in which the amount and frequency of the donation they are interested in giving to the Edah ...
LOS 198: Pair of Unprinted Manuscripts by the Geonim Rabbi Baruch Bendit Schreiber and Rabbi Menachem Nathan Auerbach. Unusual manuscript consisting of two different works, handwritten by two different rabbis, from two different generations - both written (in the original) in one shared volume. Gleiwitz- ...
LOS 199: Manuscript, Selections from 'Yalkut Reuveni.' Europe, C. 18th Century. Complete manuscript from beginning to end. Short compilation from the renowned work Yalkut Reuveini ( HaGadol ) al HaTorah , by Kabbalist Rabbi Avraham Reuven HaKohen Sofer of Prague. Written by an (unknown) contemporary of ...
LOS 200: Manuscript, Composition on Takfu Kohen. [Europe, 1800s]. Complete work, deep and comprehensive, about the renowned Talmudic sugya in Tractate Bava Metzia, "Takfu Kohen, " with many ramifications for all matters of uncertainties in financial law. Unknown author. Beautiful, clear Askkenazic ...
LOS 201: Collection of Documents and Certificates from Hungarian Communities. Important Signatures. * 'Chalitzah' document. Pest, 1811. Signatures of the choltzim , R' Yonah and R' Moshe b"r Yosef, and the two witnesses: R Leib Ne'eman and R' Zelig papa. * Certificate of reliability for R' Moshe Meir ...
LOS 202: Very Rare: Letters from the Gaon Rabbi Yoav Adler, Av Beit Din of Hantzevitch, and his Son, the Av Beit Din of Seredneye. Two important halachic responsa by the sacred gaon Rabbi Yoav Adler, av beit din of Hantzevitch and environs - one of the leading geonim and rashei yeshivah of the ...
LOS 203: Yoreh Yadin from Rabbi Azriel Hildesheimer, Av Beit Din of Berlin, to his Disciple, Rabbi Nathan Ehrenfeld, Rabbi of Prague. "Conduct precisely according to the Shulchan Aruch and the sacred customs" - unique letter of rabbinic ordination Beautiful ktav semichah , entirely handwritten by the ...
LOS 204: Letter from the Gaon Rabbi Yitzchak Dov of Würzburg to his Son Rabbi Shlomo - Elucidation of the Words of his Teacher, the Author of Gidulei Taharah. Torah letter from the renowned gaon Rabbi Yitzchak Dov Seligman Bamberger, senior rabbi of Würzburg, patriarch of the multi-branched Bamberger ...
LOS 205: Bamberger Family Archive #1: Collection of [6] Letters from German Rabbis Connected to the Bamberger Family. * Friendly letter handwritten and signed by the gaon Rabbi Meshulam Zalman HaKohen, grandson of the Maharza"ch, son-in-law of the Aruch LaNer. Sent to his brother-in-law, Rabbi Moshe ...
LOS 206: Bamberger Family Archive No. 2. Group of [6] letters from rabbis in various countries (Hungary, Lithuania, Britain and the Land of Israel). * Interesting letter from Rabbi Pinchas Zelig HaKohen Schwartz, son of Rabbi Naftali , av beit din of Mád. Sent to Rabbi Simchah. Mád, 1915.* Letter ...
LOS 207: Bamberger Family Archive #3: Group of [6] Letters from Prominent German Rabbis. * Torani letter handwritten and signed by Rabbi Chaim Schwartz, av beit din of Hürben, brother of Rabbi Yehosef Schwartz. Sent to Rabbi Simchah. Hürben, 1872. [1] leaf paper, written on both sides. 22.5 cm. At ...
LOS 208: Bamberger Family Archives #4: Collection of [10] Letters from German Rabbis. * Torani letter handwritten and signed by Rabbi Moshe Yonah Königshofer, rabbi of the Chareidi community in Furth. Sent to Rabbi Simchah, with a responsum (not signed by him). [1] double leaf paper, two pages in ...
LOS 209: Collection of [15] Letters from Rabbi Yosef HaLevi (Stern) of London to Bamberger Family Rabbis. Large collection containing fifteen Torah and personal letters handwritten and signed by the gaon Rabbi Yosef HaLevi. Most of the letters were sent to Rabbi Simchah Bamberger. Two letters were sent ...
LOS 210: Shechitah Permit from Rabbi Binyamin Eisenstadt, Av Beit Din of Utiyan. 1905. Ritual slaughter permit for the avreich Avraham Yosef b"r Abba Menachem of the Wilkomir community, by Rabbi Binyamin Eisenstadt, Utiyan, 1905. Refer to the Hebrew catalog text for a brief biography of Rabbi Binyamin ...
LOS 211: Especially Rare: Letter from the Sacred Gaon Rabbi Yosef Schluffer, Av Beit Din of Slonim - the Youth Who Ran After the Rabbi Isaac Charif's Carriage. Important letter about agunah -related topics handwritten and signed by the sacred gaon Rabbi Yosef "HaTzaddik" Schluffer, av beit din of Slonim ...
LOS 212: Unique Letter to a Jewish Legislator and Judge about the Marriage of a Kohen to a Chalutzah, from Rabbi Binyamin Ze'ev Wolf Zussman-Sofer, Rabbi of Budapest. Szentgróth, 1863. Letter with a unique request written by the gaon Rabbi Binyamin Ze'ev Wolf Zussman-Sofer, a disciple of the Chatam Sofer ...
LOS 213: Letter from the Greatest Sage of the Generation, the Gaon Rabbi Eliyahu Pruzaner, Author of Halichot Eliyahu. "He was renowned as the sharpest among the rabbis of his time" (the gaon Rabbi Moshe Meiselman) Rare letter of blessings, written and signed by the Chakima DiYehuda'i , the gaon ...
LOS 214: Letter with Mazal Tov Blessings from the Renowned Gaon Rabbi Chaim Telzer. 1927. "A good blessing is always a segulah" Letter with mazal tov blessings from the renowned gaon, the head of the glorious yeshivah of Telz, - Rabbi Chaim (Rabinowitz) Telzer ztz"l on the occasion of the birth of a ...
LOS 215: Interesting Letter from the Gaon Rabbi Baruch Epstein, Author of 'Torah Temimah'. Family letter handwritten and signed by the renowned gaon Rabbi Baruch HaLevi Epstein, known by the title of his sefer , as the 'Ba'al HaTorah Temimah , ' with a reference to the arrangement of his famous work ...
LOS 216: Letter From the Gaon Malkiel Tzvi Tannenbaum, Av Beit Din of Lomza, Author of Divrei Malkiel. Interesting letter handwritten and signed by the sacred gaon Rabbi Malkiel Tzvi HaLevi Tennenbaum, rabbi of Lomza and one of the great halachic responders of his generation. Sent to the ra'ava"d of ...
LOS 217: Very Beautiful Historic Letter from the Gaon Rabbi Chaim Berlin to Sir Moshe Montefiore. Moscow, 1883. Very beautiful historic letter with interesting contents, entirely handwritten and signed in full, in rare form (as opposed to just being initialled), by the gaon Rabbi Chaim Berlin, rosh ...
LOS 218: Ktav Kabbalah in the Halachahs of Ritual Slaughter for a Rabbi who Had to Accept the Position of Shochet instead of a Position in the Rabbinate! 1919. Ktav Kabbalah for a shochet , written by Rabbi Yerachmiel Gershon Edelstein , av beit din of Shumiatch (grandfather of the rosh yeshivah ...
LOS 219: What you are Learning, and Considering Learning ..." Regards to Rabbi Aharon Leib, Asking What he is Thinking of Doing - Wander the World a Bit and we will See ...". Unique family letter from Rabbi Yisrael Gershon Soloveitchik of Brisk and his wife and family, to his son, the gaon Rabbi Moshe ...
LOS 220: Thank-You Letter to the Tomchei Torah Organization from the Gaon Rabbi Moshe Chaim Lau, Av Beit Din of Pietrkov. "I was very happy to see that our faithful brethren, people of action from Hungary who live in the United States have not, Heaven forbid, forgotten the enthusiasm they brought with ...
LOS 221: [3] Documents and Letters from Safed. Early 19th Century. Signature from Rabbi Pinchas Horowitz, Father-in-Law of the Admo"r Rabbi Dovid'l of Lelov. * Compromise agreement between the heads of the Ashkenazic kollelim in Safed and the heads of the kollelim in Jerusalem. Safed, 1862. Detailed ...
LOS 222: Historic Document: Decision by Gedolei Yerushalayim Ending the Dispute Between the Kollelim. Historic psak din , especially lengthy and well-reasoned, covering three large leaves. Signed by leading dayanim of Jerusalem, the geonim Rabbi Binyamin b"r Shmuel of Stoypts, Rabbi David Wilner and ...
LOS 223: Mazal Tov Blessings from Rabbi Yosef Tzvi Dushinsky, Ga'ava"D of Jerusalem, to a Student. Galanta, 1906. Mazal tov letter written by the gaon Rabbi Ysef Tzvi Dushinsky, ga'ava"d of Galanta and Jerusalem, to his disciple "[many honorifics] ... Shimon Blumenthal ... in honor if his wedding. ...
LOS 224: Historic Document: Neturei Karta Parts Ways with the Edah HaChareidit. Av, 1937. Rare historic letter, important and interesting, from ten of the leading tzaddikim and zealots of Jerusalem, in which the Bada"tz Perushim call the Edah HaChareidit to din "Because they have made improper changes to ...
LOS 225: Letter of Yearning: Historic Letter from Gedolei HaDor to Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Kook. Rare and important historic letter from leading rabbis and activists in Jerusalem. Sent to the gaon Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak HaKohen Kook, chief rabbi of the Land of Israel. He was in the United States at the ...
LOS 226: Collection of [5] Heterei Shechitah from Jerusalem Giants. 1919-1921. Collection of five official certificates from gedolei haposkim and morei hahora'ah in Jerusalem, about the mehudar shechitah by R' Amram b"r Baruch Yehudah Blau, a cousin of the famous 'Blaus' - R' Moshe Blau, the Agudist, and ...
LOS 227: Collection of [4] Heteirei Hora'ah and Letters of Recommendation from Gedolim of the Previous Generation for the Admo"r of Spinka. Collection of four letters from leading rabbis of previous generations about the Admo"r Rabbi Yosef Meir Kahane of Spinka, in his role as a young avreich . ...
LOS 228: "Clarification" for a Unique Precedential Court Ruling Signed by Rabbi Shach as Dayan, 1975. Rare. "Clarification" and other documents for an important psak din with respect to the most historic, senior and prominent religious institution in Petach Tikvah, "Yeshivat Lomza." The yeshivah counts ...
LOS 229: Rare Sacred Letter Handwritten by the Da'at Sofer of Pressburg about the Admo"r of Spinka. "To entrust him with the ordination of sages, which is befitting to him" Sacred letter, rare and beautiful, entirely handwritten, signed and stamped by the renowned rabbi of Pressburg, the sacred gaon ...
LOS 230: Letter of Honor and Respect from Rabbi Chaim Meir Ungar, Av Beit Din of Lackenbach, to Rabbi Akiva Sofer, Ga'avad of Pressburg. Jerusalem. Letter of honor and respect on the occasion of the Pressburg yeshivah students' reunion in the Holy Land, sent by Rabbi Chaim Meir Ungar, av beit din of ...
LOS 231: Thank-You Letter from Rabbi Weissmandl to Rabbi Yeshayah Horowitz, Rabbi of Winnipeg, Canada and Safed. 1952. Letter sent by the gaon Rabbi Chaim Michael Dov Weissmandl ztz"l, a leading rescue activist during the Holocaust and one of the developers of the skipping method in the Torah, to Rabbi ...
LOS 232: Sacred Letter from the Mashgiach Maran Rabbi Yechezkel Levenstein ztz"l. "May we all merit to be among those who are close to Hashem. Mussar study helps very much with this" Sacred letter on topics in emunah , closeness to Hashem, mussar study and more, from "The Mashgiach" - the gaon and ...
LOS 233: Letter of Greetings and More from Rabbi Elazar Menachem Mann Shach to the Gaon Rabbi Chaim Kreiswirth. Jerusalem, 1951. "This is our entire desire and goal - that my son-in-law [the gaon Rabbi Meir Tzvi Bergman shlit"a] be able to sit and study and rise higher and higher in the virtues of Torah ...
LOS 234: Group of [4] Letters from the Leaders of the Tiberias Community to or about Moshe Montefiore. * Condolence letter written just a few days after Moshe Montefiore's passing, signed by the leaders of the Ashkenazic settlement and the heads of the kollelim in Tiberias. 1885. Lengthy letter, sent ...
LOS 235: Rare: Fascinating Historic Letter from the Jewish Banker Rabbi Akiva Lehren. Fascinating historic-Torah letter, handwritten and signed by the renowned Jewish banker Rabbi Akiva Lehren, head of the Clerks and Administrators in Amsterdam, about the heter iska of the prominent Holland and Lehren ...
LOS 236: Rare Archive of the Chaba"d Levine Family - Chassidic Letters of Guidance from the Chassid Rabbi Shmuel Gershon Levine. Rare archive consisting of dozens of letters and postcards sent to the Chaba"d Chassid Rabbi Shneur Zalman HaLevi b"r Shmuel Gershon HaLevi Levine, from the members of Kollel ...
LOS 237: Emissary Letter from Kollel Chaba"d to Sir Moshe Montefiore Signed by the Ohel Yosef and Others. Jerusalem, 1875. "Without [you], no man may raise his hand nor his foot to tread there": Beautiful letter from the leaders of Kollel Chaba"d in Jerusalem with a request and an appeal to Sir Moshe ...
LOS 238: Group of [4] Religious Letters of Rare Beauty Written by Sir Moshe Montefiore's Personal Scribes. ' Tzeiteleh, gib gelt ' ['Your honor, give money!'] Group of [4] historic/religious letters of rare beauty about Sir Moshe Montefiore's ritual objects. The letters are written in a stunning ...
LOS 239: Historic and Sacred: Condolence Letter for Montefiore Signed by the Giants of Chevron. 1885. "My sun has darkened and my spirit is stunned, the sacred Moshe has gone to Heaven" Condolence letter upon the passing of Sir Moshe Montefiore, signed by the Sephardic and Askenazic rabbis of Chevron. ...
LOS 240: Beautiful Letter from Tiberias Rabbis Including the Abir Ya'akov's Son, to "The Rothschild of the East." 1898. Impressive letter from Tiberias sages about the mission of Rabbi Eliezer Mansour Sithon, son of Rabbi Chaviv Chaim Sithon. Sent to the generous philanthropist Mrs. Farhah Sassoon and ...
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