LOTTO 1: Bible. Chamishah Chumshei Torah. Venice, 1551. Chamisha Chumshei Torah and five megillot with Latin translation and elucidation, Hebraicus Pentateuchus Latinus. Venice, 1551. Giustiniani press. Printed from left to right. Source and translation on facing columns. Enlarged printer’s device ...
LOTTO 2: Bible. Rare! Hoshea with translation – Leiden, 1621 Sefer Hoshea with Aramaic and Latin translation, the commentaries of Rashi, R’ Avraham ibn Ezra and R’ Dovid Kimchi (Radak) in Hebrew and Latin, and the Mesorah Gedolah and Ketanah. With introduction, comments and biographies of the ...
LOTTO 3: Bible. Chamishah Chumshei Torah: Amsterdam, 1701. Elegant Persian binding. Chamisha Chumshei Torah with Targum Onkelos, Rashi, haftaros and megillos. Thick chumash – 722 leaves (6.5 c. wide) 9 additional leaves bound at the beginning and the end of the chumash, with a few haftarot in ...
LOTTO 4: Talmud. Rare fragment. Leaf from Tractate Horiyos. 15th century, Spain. Leaf from Tractate Horiyos – Gemara and Rashi, written in Spain, 15th century. Leaf 2b-3a. Nice, organized Sephardic hand. Features a variation from the text in the Vilna print. The Vilna print primarily represents ...
LOTTO 5: Talmud. Sefer HaAruch. Venice, 1531. Daniel Bomberg press. Sefer HaAruch, explanation of words and concepts in the Talmud in alphabetical order, by Rabbi Nosson b"r Yechiel of Rome. Classic work of commentary and versions of the Talmud, quoted l'halachah by the Baalei HaTosfos and other ...
LOTTO 6: Talmud. Ein Yaakov of Rabbi Yaakov ben Chaviv. Venice edition, 1625 with illustrated title page.Beis Yisroel-Ein Yaakov, section two – anthology of midrashim for women, Nezikin, Kadshim and Teharos by Rabbi Yaakov ben Chaviv. Due to censorship, the Ein Yaakov was printed with different ...
LOTTO 7: Talmud. Rare. Ein Yaakov, section one. Mezeritsch, 1808. Haskamos from Chassidic leaders. Ein Yaakov. With Chiddushei Koheles Shlomo, section one. Haskamos from Chassidic leaders: The Kedushas Levi, Rebbe Levi Yitzchok of Berditchov, Rebbe Meir Margolios, the Meir Nesivim and others. *** ...
LOTTO 8: Talmud. Beis Dovid on Mishnayos. First edition. Amsterdam, [1738-1739]. Sefer Beis Dovid, commentary on the Mishnayos and its peirushim by Rabbi Dovid Chaim Corinaldi. Explanations and sketches explaining the mishnayos in Maseches Kilayim, Eiruvin, Rosh Hashanah and Sukkah. Haskamos from ...
LOTTO 9: Talmud. Rare. Beis Lechem Yehudah: Prague, 1705 Sefer Beis Lechem Yehudah, index to the aggados of Chazal, by Rabbi Yehudah Aryeh of Modena. Haskamah of Rabbi Dovid Oppenheim. Prague 1705 46, 48-49 leaves, 18 cm. Fine condition.
LOTTO 10: Talmud. Omek Halachah – Amsterdam, 1710. Dozens of illustrations and sketches demonstrating serious sugyos. Sefer Omek Halachah – elucidations of profound sugyot in the Talmud regarding astronomy, trigonometry, math and measurements with dozens of illustrations and sketches, by Rabbi Yaakov ...
LOTTO 11: Talmud. Zvi Kodesh. Sulzbach, 1748. First edition. Sefer Zvi Kodesh , novellae on Talmudic Aggadah by Rabbi Zvi Hirsch of Sokolov. Includes eight rabbinical approbations [five from rabbis of the Katzenelenbogen family]. Oriental owner signatures.Sulzbach, [1748].First edition. 76 ...
LOTTO 12: Talmud. Classic Works. Sefer HaMikneh and Machaneh Levi. First Editions. Offenbach, 1801.Sefer HaMikneh , novellae on Tractates Kiddushin and the last kuntress on hilchot kiddushin by Rabbi Pinchas HaLevi Horowitz, av”d Frankfurt A.M. – classic work on Tractate Kiddushin. Printed ...
LOTTO 13: Talmud. Chiddushei HaGranat. Personal copy of Rabbi Eliezer Yehudah Finkel. Chiddushei HaGrana”t - two volumes in stencil on Masechtas Nedarim, Gittin, Kiddushin, Kesubos and Yevamos. Jerusalem, 1956. The first section bears the stamp of Rabbi Eliezer Yehudah Finkel, Rosh Yeshivah of Mir ...
LOTTO 14: Talmud – Glosses – Rabbi Yeruchem Fishel Perla on Masechtos Sanhedrin and Horiyos. Maseches Sanhedrin, Horiyos, Avos and Masechtos Ketanos from the Warsaw, 1862 edition. It is generally accepted that this edition was proofread by the Chidushei HaRim (Haberman, in Hosofos L'Maamar al Hadfasas ...
LOTTO 15: Talmud – Glosses. Maseches Yevamos with many handwritten glosses. Maseches Yevamos, Czernowitz edition, [1842]. The margins of most pages are adorned with handwritten glosses, most are the comments of the Bach, but there are some comments and references from the writer himself. Czernowitz ...
LOTTO 16: Rishonim Halachah. Manuscript from a binding. Fragment of the Tur Choshen Mishpat. 15th century. Four pages – a fragment of the Tur Choshen Mishpat (siman 15) and its index. Sephardic hand from around the 15th century. Includes a fragment of the index made by Rabbi Yaakov Baal HaTurim. The ...
LOTTO 17: Rishonim - Halachah. Minhag Avos, Tanya – Mantua, 1514. First edition. Minhag Avos Tanya – minhagim and halachos by Rabbi Yechiel ben Yekusiel Anav. Matnua [1514], at the press of Shmuel Latif. First edition. The sefer is organized as a halachic work that accompanies the siddur per the ...
LOTTO 18: Rishonim – Halachah. Kol Bo, Constantinople, 1520. Incomplete copy. Antiquated glosses. Sefer Kol Bo. Halachos and minhagim, classic halachic work, from the beis medrash of Rishonim, quoted often l'halachah by the Beis Yosef and Shulchan Aruch. We do not know who authored this work. Printed ...
LOTTO 19: Rishonim – Halachah. Sefer Agur: Venice 1546-1547 Sefer Ha'Agur – piskei dinim, halachot and minhagim by Rabbi Yaakov Landau. Classic halachic work regarding Ashkenaz halachah and minhagim from the times of the Rishonim. ** Venice, the title page states 1546; the colophon: 1547. ...
LOTTO 20: Rishonim Halachah. Sefer HaRokeach. Hanau, 1630 Sefer HaRokeach, piskei dinim and halachot, foundations of teshuvah and minhagim, fundamental work of the Torah of the Rishonim by Rabbeinu Elazar Rokeach. Hanau, 1630. 113 leaves. 16.5 cm. Other than dampstains, nice antiquated leather ...
LOTTO 21: Rishonim Halachah. Shu"t Mahar"il: Hanau [1610] Responsa by Rabbeinu Yaakov Moelin Segal - the Maharil, prominent Ashkenazic Gadol and leader. The Maharil (Mainz 1365 - Worms 1427) was a prominent Ashkenaz sage who helped form its unique derech. The Sefer Minhagei Mahril and the responsa he ...
LOTTO 22: Rishonim Halachah. Chemdah Genuzah – Responsa from Geonim from manuscript. Jerusalem, 1863 Chemdah Genuzah, responsa from Geonim, from old manuscripts along with a kuntress of Chiddushei HaRashba on Yevamos, latest edition from a manuscript that was never printed. Engravings of the Western ...
LOTTO 23: Rishonim Halachah. Piskei Challah. Jerusalem, 1876. Piskei Challah of the Rashba. With piskei dinim by Rabbi Yaakov ben Tzahal and the Chakor Davar ma’amar regarding the practice of taking challah outside of Eretz Israel, by Rabbi Nachman Nosson Coronel. Jerusalem, 1876. [4] 25 leaves ...
LOTTO 24: Achronim – Halachah. Classic halachah. Levush Even Haezer and Choshen Mishpat: Prague, [1623-1624] Shulchan Aruch Even Haezer and Choshen Mishpat with chiddushei dinim and teamim by Rabbi Mordechai Yaffe. Rabbi Mordechai Yaffe, author of Halevush (1530-1612), was the great talmid of the ...
LOTTO 25: Achronim – Halachah. Rosh Yosef, Izmir 1658. Stamps of Rav Chaim Berlin. Sefer Rosh Yosef – Chiddushim on the Tur Choshen Mishpat by Rav Yosef Escapa, Salonica and Izmir sage, talmid of the Mahara Sasson, author of Toras Emes. One of the first seforim printed in Izmir. Antiquated owner ...
LOTTO 26: Achronim – Halachah. Knesses HaGedolah, Leghorn, 1658. First edition. Sefer Kenesses HaGedolah – chiddushei dinim and likutei teshuvos on the Tur and Beis Yosef Orech Chaim, by Rabbi Chaim Benveniste, av"d Izmir. Solitary notes and glosses. Knesses HaGedolah is a classic halachah work ...
LOTTO 28: Achronim – Halachah. Rare. Chidushei Dinim Mi’Hilchot Pesach. Mezhirov, 1803. First edition. Sefer Chiddushei Dinim of Hilchot Pesach and Yerushalayim minhagim relevant to Pesach night. The pages are titled: Chidushei Dinim M’Yerushalayim. In the introduction, the publisher writes that he ...
LOTTO 29: Achronim – Halachah. Glosses in the hand of the Mareh Einyaim, Rabbi Refael Ashkenazi av"d Izmir, on the Sefer Beis Dovid. Beis Dovid on Orech Chaim and Yoreh Deah by Rabbi Yosef Dovid of Saloniki – classic halachic work by a Sephardic sage. On leaf 1a, signature of Rabbi Refael Ashkenazi ...
LOTTO 30: Achronim – Halachah. Comments and sources in the hand of Rabbi Refael Ashkenazi av"d Izmir, on the Sefer Yad Aharon. Constantinople, [1735] Yad Aharon on the Tur and Beis Yosef Orech Chaim (like the Sefer Knesses HaGedolah) by Rabbi Aharon Alfandri av"d Izmir and Chevron. Printed at the end ...
LOTTO 31: Achronim - Shu"t. Shu”t Rama Mi’Pano. Dyhernfurth [1788] Responsa from Kabbalist Rabbi Menachem Azarya of Fano. Classic work of responsa, quoted by leading poskim who generally referred to him as Shu”t Menachem Azarya or even just by the abbreviation מ"ע. The Rama of Fano (1548-1620) was a ...
LOTTO 32: Achronim - Shu"t. Shu"t Maharit Tzahalon. First edition. Venice, 1694. Sefer Shu"t Mahari"t Tzahalon. Responsa by Rabbi Yom Tov Tzahalon. Prominent work of responsa. The back of the title page bears an illustration of the third Beis Hamikdash per Sefer Tuzras HaBayis of the Tosfos Yom Tov. ...
LOTTO 33: Achronim - Shu"t. Classic. Shu”t Haranach. Constantinople, 1610. First edition. Rare. Shu”t Rana”ch. Responsa from Rabbeinu Eliyahu ben Chaim. First edition. Novellae on Maseches Kesubos at the conclusion. Bibliographers disagree about when and where this work was printed. The title page ...
LOTTO 34: Achronim - Shu"t. Shu"t HaBach. First edition. Signature of Rabbi Shmuel ben Rabbi Nosson Adler. Shu"t HaBach – questions and answers regarding practical halachah by Rabbi Yoel Sirkis, av"d Krakow, the Bach. Fundamental, classic work of teshuvos from an Achron. Owner signature on title ...
LOTTO 35: Achronim - Shu"t. Shu”t HaRemez. First edition. Venice, 1751. Responsa from kabbalist Rabbi Moshe Zacuto - HaRemez. Rabbi Moshe Zacuto (1625-1697) was the most prominent Italian kabbalist of his time. He studied kabbalah by Rabbi Binyamin Halevi, talmid of Rav Chaim Vital, so he was a ...
LOTTO 36: Achronim - Shu"t. Darchei Noam – Venice, 1697. Personal copy of Rabbi Moshe Hirsch Fuchs av"d Grosswardein, author of Shu"t Yad Ramah. Sefer Shu"t Darchei Noam, responsa on all four sections of the Shulchan Aruch by Rabbi Mordechai Halevi, av"d Egypt, with introductions from the author and ...
LOTTO 37: Achronim - Shu"t. Shut Shemen Rokeach. Section one. Nowy Dwór [1788]. Signatures and Notations of Rabbi Chaim of Leslau, talmid of Rabbi Akiva Eiger. Shu"t Shemen Rokeach, responsa on the four sections of the Shulchan Aruch by Rabbi Elazar Lowe, av"d Santov and other cities. Rabbi Elazar ...
LOTTO 38: Achronim - Shu"t. Shu"t Shemen Rokeach. Section two, first edition. Prague, [1802] Shu"t Shemen Rokeach. Responsa on the four sections of the Shulchan Aruch by Rabbi Elazar Lowe, av"d Santov and other cities. Rabbi Elazar Lowe (1758-1837) was the son of the Ateres Paz and father of the ...
LOTTO 39: Achronim - Shu"t. Shu”t HaGeonim Batrai - First edition. Turka, 1764. Collection of teshuvot from prominent Achronim, collected by Rabbi Aryeh Leib av”d Krakow, stepson of the Taz. Includes responsa from: Tosfos Yom Tov, Bach, Taz, Rebbe Heschel of Krakow, the Maginei Shlomo and another 15 ...
LOTTO 40: Achronim - Shu"t. Iggrot Harav Chida - Leghorn 1867 - only edition. Iggrot HaRav Chida, kuntress with sixty eight letters and correspondence sent by Rav Chaim Yosef Dovid Azulai. Most of the letters discuss Torah and halachah. The book opens with a general introduction and biography of the ...
LOTTO 42: Kabbalah. Sefer HaZohar, Bereishis, Slavuta, 1810. Sefer HaZohar, section 1, Bereishis, Slavuta, 1810. At the press of Dov Ber Segal and Dov Ber ben Pesach. All the haskamos are for "the one who owns the press in Slavuta" — Rabbi Moshe Shapiro, av"d Slavuta, who was the printer. The ...
LOTTO 43: Kabbalah. Tikunei Hazohar. Leghorn, 1796. Uncommon edition.Sefer Tikunei Hazohar authored by Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai. Novellae of Rabbi Moshe Zacuto (Ramaz) are printed at the conclusion. Oriental signature on title page. *** Leghorn, 1796. [2] 164 leaves. 22 cm. Without binding ...
LOTTO 44: Kabbalah. Raziel Hamalach – Mezibuzh, 1818. Segulah. Raziel Hamalach. "This book was given to Adam HaRishon by the Malach Raziel." The sefer is known to be a segulah, as written on the title page: " It is a wonderful segulah to have progeny wise and smart and successful and so that no fire ...
LOTTO 45: Kabbalah. Very rare! Sefer Goralot – Giessen, 1714. Sefer Goralot attributed to Rabbi Saadya Gaon. Giessen, Germany, 1714. Only eight Hebrew books were printed in Giessen, Germany! Stamps from Yeshivas Saadat Bachurim, established by Rabbi Aryeh Leib Amsterdam. ** Giessen, 1714 30 ...
LOTTO 46: Kabbalah. Avodas HaKodesh by Kabbalist Rabbi Meir Gabai. Krakow, 1576. Avodas Hakodesh, kabbalah and avodas Hashem by Rabbi Meir b"r Yechezkel Ibn-Gabai. The title page notes 1576, but the colophon indicates 1578. A number of glosses in a Leghorn-Italian hand (cropped in their margins). ...
LOTTO 47: Kabbalah. Pardes Rimonim of the Ramak. Korzec, 1786. Pardes Rimonim by Rabbi Moshe Cordovero – the Ramak. Kabalistic sketches. Korzec, [1786]. 168 leaves. Solitary worming holes on the first and last leaves. A few dampstains. Fine condition.
LOTTO 48: Kabbalah. Rare. Sefer HaGilgulim. Zolkiew, 1774. Copy of kabbalist Rabbi Shaul Kassin. Sefer HaGilgulim – Kabbalah of the Arizal by Rabbi Chaim Vital. The title page bears the owner stamp of kabbalist Rabbi Shaul Kassin: קניתי זה לעבודת בוראי הצעיר שאול קצין ס"ט.One leaf bears a ...
LOTTO 49: Kabbalah Classic! Shefa Tal. First Edition. Hanau, 1612. This classic kabbalistic work by the holy kabbalist Harav Shabsai Sheftel Segal Horowitz of Prague encompasses the foundation of true wisdom, rules and an essential introduction for any learner approaching the study of kabbalah. The ...
LOTTO 50: Kabbalah. Rare! Maavar Yabok – Shapiro press. Zhitomir, 1851 Maavar Yabok, a work elucidating how one should conduct himself until his death by kabbalist Rabbi Aharon Berachia ben Moshe of Modena. Zhitomir, 1851. At the press of the brothers Rabbi Chanina Lipa, Rabbi Aryeh Leib and Rabbi ...
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