LOTE 1: Torah Novellae on Masseches Berachos, Handwritten by Rav Shlomo Ganzfried, Av Beis Din of אונגוואר, Author of the "Kitzur Shulchan Aruch". Torah Novellae on Masseches Berachos in Rav Shlomo Ganzfried's Very Handwriting! Av Beis Din of אונגוואר and Author of the "Kitzur Shulchan Aruch". "The ...
LOTE 2: Handwritten Manuscript. Rav Eliezer Zussman Sofer. 13 Pages!! All in His Holy Handwriting! Principle 67- from sefer Et Sofer, in the handwriting of the author- Rav Eliezer Zussman Sofer, as he arranged it for print. With additions and erasures which were incorporated in the sefer's ...
LOTE 3: Novellae on the Shas in the Handwriting of Rav Aharon Dovid Duetsch, Author of 'Goren Dovid'. Novellae on the topic of 'Ed Echad Ne'eman Be'Issurim'- three pages in large format [5 page-sides] in the very handwriting of Rav Aharon Dovid Duetsch- author of 'Goren Dovid'. Rav Aharon Dovid ...
LOTE 4: Explanations According to Kaballa in the Handwriting of the Admor of Slonim- Author of Yesod Ha'avoda. Explanation of the meaning of the Yom Kippur fast and the mitzvah of eating on erev Yom Kippur. Written in the very handwriting of the Admor Rav Avraham Weinberg of Slonim- the first Admor ...
LOTE 5: Handwritten. Luach Maamarey Eyn Yisrael. Italy, the 17th Century. Index to the sayings of Chazal quoted in Sefer Eyn Yaakov (written by Rav Yaakov Ben Chaviv), arranged in alphabetical order, by Rav Eliezer ben Yitzchak Rietti. Italy, beginning of 17th century. The sefer was printed in ...
LOTE 6: Handwritten Sefer Halikutim by Rav Chaim Vital- 336 Pages!! Around the beginning of the 5500's. Handwritten Sefer Halikutim by Rav Chaim Vital and other various compilations; sephardic cursive handwriting, around the beginning of the 5500's. With signature of the Rishon Letzion, Rav Moshe ...
LOTE 7: Kuntress 'Mikveh Taharah' Regarding Mikvaos from the waters of the Nile River, Handwritten by Rav Refael Aharon Ben Shimon, Av Beis Din of Egypt. A portion of the kuntress Mikveh Taharah is in the handwriting of Rav Refael Aharon Ben Shimon, author of Nahar Mitzrayim. As is well-known ...
LOTE 8: Sefer Sha'arey Ezra- Handwritten- Commentary on the Passover Haggadah. Commentary on the Pesach Haggadah by Rav Yosef Rachamim Lachmi- Handwriting of his brother- Rav Ezra Chaim Lachmi. Rav Ezra copied the commentary of his brother- Rav Rachamim Yosef- into his sefer- Shaarey Ezra, (under ...
LOTE 9: Kuntress of Novellae- Written in the Ger Village (Góra Kalwaria) - On Masseches Kiddushin, by the Rosh Yeshiva of Ger 5673 [1913]. Novellae on Masseches Kiddushin by the Rosh Yeshiva of the Gerrer Yeshiva, which were written down by one of the yeshiva students, in 5673. On first page is the ...
LOTE 11: Classic. Recanati on the Torah- Venice, 5283- First Print. "Commentary on the Torah on the way of truth" By the wise and holy Rav Menachem of Recanati. Venice, 5283 [1523]. Daniel Bombergi Press. First edition! Page and Size: [154] pages. 24.5 cm. Condition: The sefer has been ...
LOTE 12: "Shoresh Yishay" by the Author of the Lecha Dodi prayer- Rav Shlomo Alkabetz. Notations from the time-period of the printing. First Print. Constantinople 5321 [1561] Sefer Shoresh Yishay- lengthy commentary on Megillas Rus, by the great Rav Shlomo Alkabetz. Rav Shlomo ben Moshe Alkabetz ...
LOTE 13: Three Classic Sefarim-First Prints-Incomplete Copies: Sma, Shach and Shla. • Sma (Sefer Meiras Einayim)- Choshen Mishpat, very rare first print, by Rav Yehoshua Polack Katz. First print of the very fundamental and important work on Shulchan Aruch, Choshen Mishpat. Lublin 5374 [1614] ...
LOTE 16: Extremely Rare! Classic. First Print of Sefer Tokpo Cohen, by the Shach, Frankfurt 5437 Sefer Tokpo Cohen, the renowned sefer of Rav Shabtai Katz, author of the Shach (Siftei Cohen). On the dinim of "Teyku", the rules of "Kayam Li" and the foundations of diney mammonos (money related ...
LOTE 17: Tzeydah Laderech: Sabbioneta 5327 [1567] Halachic rulings and customs, discussions regarding Mashiach and the revival of the dead and a bit of medicine and astronomy by Rav Menachem ben Rav Zerach, disciple of Rav Yehuda son of the Rosh. Sabbioneta 5327 [1567] second edition, with various ...
LOTE 20: Chassidus. Pekudas Hamelech- by Rav Yisrael Nachman of Robitscher. Livorno 5564 [1804] Sefer Pekudas Hamelech, single edition, two volumes: Volume I: Pilpul on the words of the Mishneh Lamelech, in places where he had a safek (doubt) about the halacha and left them as "tzarich Iyun" ...
LOTE 21: Shulchan Aruch Harav Baal Hatanya. Hilchos Niddah- First Print. Kapost 5574 [1814] This is one of the very first sections of the "Shulchan Aruch Harav" to be printed. Printed by the author's sons, very soon after Rav Shneyor Zalman's passing, in 5573. Includes: Hilchos Niddah, Shechita ...
LOTE 22: Chassidus. Regel Yesharah by Rav Tzvi Elimelech of Dynow. First Print. Lemberg (Lviv) 5618 [1858] Foundations and introductions in kabbalistic wisdom, arranged according to the Aleph-Beis "and also, written in it are many gilgulim. And in these introductions, the scrutinizer will find what ...
LOTE 35: Siddur of the Rashash- Nine Parts. Arranged by the Jerusalem Kabbalists. Jerusalem 5676 Tefillos for the entire year, with kabbalistic cavanos (intentions) according to the writings of the Ari and Rav Chaim Vital, by Rav Shalom Sharabi- the Rashash. Second edition, with changes and ...
LOTE 39: Chessed LeAvraham by Rav Avraham Azulai. One of the First Sefarim to be Printed by Rav Moshe Shapira. Wide margins. Slavita, 5554 [1894] Chessed LeAvraham, the sefer of Rav Avraham Azulai on Kabbala, including 'Breichas Avraham' and an explanation of chazal's sayings according to kabbala ...
LOTE 41: Rare. Tzenah Ureenah, Zhitomir- Shapira, 5621 Sefer Tzenah Ureenah- "Chamisha Chumshei Torah. With all the haftorah and the five megillos, and translation of the megillos. In Yiddish, which will be called 'Tzenah Ureenah'. Collected and compiled for each and every sedra; many precious ...
LOTE 42: Letter (partially damaged) from Rav Yeshua Sbabu Zein, Av Beis Din of Egypt, Author of Perach Shoshan. To the renowned printer, Yonah Ashkenazi in Constantinople. Egypt, 5486 [1726] Handwritten and signed letter by Rav Yeshua Sbabo Zein, Av Beis Din of Egypt, author of Perach Shoshan. In ...
LOTE 43: Rare Document. Conference Protocol of the Obuda Community Leaders, with Handwritten Signature of the Av Beis Din, Rav Moshe Mintz. Lengthy, detailed, three-large-page-long document, specifying the various decisions made in the conference of the roshei kahal and leaders of Obuda, from year ...
LOTE 44: Letter from Rav Refael Yeshaya Azulai, Av Beis Din of Ancona, son of the Chida. Livorno 5569 [1809] Letter from Rav Refael Yeshaya Azulai, AB"D of Ancona to the members of his community, while lodging in Livorno. The letter was sent while Rav Refael Yeshaya was staying in Livorno on the ...
LOTE 45: Tenaim (Engagement) Contract: From the Family of Rav Michael Nadash- Head of the Dushinsky Family. נאדאש - Hungary 5592 [1832] The bride was the daughter of Rav Michael Nadash, son of Rav Yaakov Petrazelky, the first Rav in נאדאש. Rav Michael served as a proofreader in the renowned Shmidt ...
LOTE 48: Interesting Historical Document. Agreement Contract Between the Roshei Kollel in Tzefas Regarding the Distribution of Funding from Vienna. Tzefas 5636 [1876] Agreement contract between "Kollel Hasephardim" and "Kollel Estreich", regarding the distribution of funding for the Tzefas residents ...
LOTE 50: The Fundamental Mussar Sefer- Reishis Chochma- Copy of Rav Itzaleh Blazer The holy, fundamental mussar sefer, "Reishis Chochma" by Rav Eliyahu Di Vidash. The personal copy of Rav Itzaleh Blazer- one of the great baaley mussar and disseminators of the teachings of Rav Yisrael Salanter- the ...
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