Toy Trains, Tanks, Soldiers Online Auction
Da The Lodge Auction House
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212 Cazenovia street Buffalo, NY 14210, Stati Uniti
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This is Part 2 of a giant collection featuring train engines, tanks, train cars, electric trains, race cars, Britian to soldiers & more. The auction features names like: Lionel, Dragon Armor, K-Line, AHM, Corgi, MTH & much more.
This auction event will take approx. 6 hours and you have the unique privilege to bid from the first time viewed all the way to the nights consecutive items sale starting at 5pm with Lot #1 and ending with the last lot #300 on February 1, 2023. Enjoy the fun & excitement. As always we use 3 auction service engines to auction all items. This is an International Event!
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299 lotti
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