Аукцион 94-3 Worldwide Air Post Stamps and Postal History, Philatelic Rarities of the World. Part 3


PO Box 425 Cranbury, NJ 08512-0425, USA, Соединенные Штаты

The Sale contains 1580 lots and represents the property of 28 owners.

Among the highlights are:

  • Over 200 lots related to Worldwide Air Post, including Pioneer and Zeppelin Flights items of various countries;
  • Beautiful selection of US and Canada Proofs, Errors and Multiples; Valuable British Commonwealth, including King George VI and Queen Elizabeth II issues in blocks of four;
  • Rarities of China of all periods, including Mei Lan-fang and 15th Anniversary souvenir sheets, Golden Monkey and many more;
  • Nice ranges of French, German and Italian lots;
  • A One Man Collection of Judaica Theme in Worldwide Philately;
  • Strong Russian area material of all regimes;
  • Outstanding Ukrainian Classic items from renowned Collections of John Bulat, Dr. Seichter and Dr. Zelonka.

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