LOTE 1: Tanya Munich - the first Tanya printed by the Rebbe during the Rebbe Rayatz’ lifetime - Munich 1947 - She'erit Hapletah. Likkutei Amarim Tanya by Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, the Baal HaTanya and author of Shulchan Aruch HaRav, founder of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement. First edition printed by ...
LOTE 2: Pocket Tanya of the Mekubal Rabbi Yehuda Zerachya Segal - Tel Aviv-Jaffa, 1974. Likutei Amaraim Tanya, published by Kehat Brroklyn by the Tel Aviv-Jaffa branch, 1984. Three title pages. One verso of the second one, a foreword by the Rebbe from 1954. No Spine. Loose boards. Pocket format. Good ...
LOTE 8: Rare Siddur and Machzor - Tehillat Hashem Published by the Rebbe - Published by Kehat Brooklyn, 1947-1949. Volume with two books: 1. Siddur Tehillat Hashem based on the Ari version. "New edition with additions" published by the Center for Educational Matters - Kehat Brooklyn, 1947. [2], 53 ...
LOTE 18: Noam Elimelech with an Approbation by the Rayatz of Lubavitch, a Segulah Book. New York 1942. Sefer Noam Elimelech by the Admor Rabbi Elimelech of Lizhensk, printed by Rav Yehoshua Wagshall, New York 1942. With a rare approbation by the Admor Rabbi Yosef Yitzhak Schneersohn (the Rayatz) of ...
LOTE 20: Complete, Fine Set of Sdei Chemed Published by the Rebbe with Additions - Kehat New York 1959-1960. Complete set, ten volumes containing the famous work Sdei Chemed by the Gaon Rabbi Chaim Chezekaya Medini of Hebron, which is an encyclopedia-like work for Klaleן HaShas, alphabetically ordered. ...
LOTE 30: Huge Collection of Chabadic Videotapes and Cassette Tapes. Huge and important collection of videotapes and cassette tapes, possibly from varied family events. Sold AS IS. Has not been studied. Includes: 81 metal tapes, varied sizes. Approx. 50 videotapes. 5 large cassette tapes and 7 small ...
LOTE 31: Likkutei Amarim Tanya that the Rebbe Handed Out with the Help of the Avreichim of the Kollel, 1000th Edition, 1984. Sefer Likutei Amaraim Tanya, 1000th edition. Published by Kehat-Otzar HaChassidim, 770 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn New York, 11th Nissan 1984. Two matching bookmarks. High-quality ...
LOTE 32: Kuntres the 11th of Nissan 1990 with an Enclosed Dollar Given Directly by the Rebbe - Yom Habahir, 1990. For Yom Habahir, the 11th of Nissan 1990 - the Rebbe's 89th birthday. The Rebbe ordered to print a special edition of a Kuntres containing the Mamar "כי ישאלך בנך" that was said in 1978 and ...
LOTE 33: Kuntres “Chag HaGeulah 12-13th Tammuz 1928”, with a Dollar Given Directly by the Rebbe - Tammuz 1990. Kuntres “Chag HaGeulah 12-13th Tammuz, 1928”, published by Kehat, 1990. With a $1 banknote. Both were given directly by the Rebbe Bright binding. Good overall condition. With a notation of ...
LOTE 34: Kuntres Maamar Baruch She’Assa Nissim 1904 and 2 Dollars, Given Directly by the Rebbe - Shevat 1991. Kuntres Maamar Baruch She’Assa Nissim 1904, published by Kehat, Shevat 1991 and two banknotes of $1, all.gGiven directly by the Rebbe. Bright light green binding. Very good condition. On the ...
LOTE 35: Kuntres Drushei Chatunah Given Directly by the Rebbe - Kislev 17, 1992. Kuntres Drushei Chatunah - containing Chassidic Mamarim about weddings said by the Rebbe the Rayatz in Kislev, 1929, relating to the wedding of his daughter the Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka with the Rebbe who eventually succeeded ...
LOTE 36: Kuntres of Ma'amarim from 1922 with Two Enclosed Dollar Banknotes, Given Directly by the Rebbe—First Edition, 1992. Kuntres of Ma'amarim by the Rebbe Rayatz, Ma’amarim 1922, first edition, New York 1992. Given directly by the Rebbe with two banknotes of $1 on the 10th of Shvat, 1992. On each of ...
LOTE 37: Extremely Rare! 10 Palestine Mil Coin Given Directly by the Rebbe Rayatz to be Handed Out to Students. An early coin of 10 Mil - Palestine 1927. The coin was given by the Rebbe the Rayatz to students to be given to charity. The Shali'ach Rabbi Naftali Dulitzki was asked by the Rebbe to deliver ...
LOTE 38: Extremely Rare! One Palestine Pound Given Directly by the Rebbe the Rayatz. Banknote of One Palestine Pound (Anglo-Palestine Bank) given directly by the Rebbe the Rayatz to one of his important confidants. Enclosed is a picture of the banknote with a signed confirmation by the owner on its ...
LOTE 39: Extremely Rare! 50 Belgian Francs Banknote Given Directly by the Rebbe the Rayatz. 50 Belgian Francs Banknote given directly by the Rebbe the Rayatz to one of his important confidants. Enclosed is a picture of the baknote with a signed confirmation by the owner on its verso. Varied blemishes - ...
LOTE 40: 50 French Francs Banknote. This is half of the banknote. Some tears - see pictures. Given directly by the Rebbe the Rayatz to one of his important confidants. Enclosed is a picture of the banknote with a signed confirmation by the owner on its verso. Extremely rare sacred item!
LOTE 41: 10 Israeli Lirot Banknote Given Directly by the Rebbe. 10 Israeli Lirot banknote Given Directly by the Rebbe. Creases. Good condition. From the Estate of Rabbi Zvi Malov - a Chabad activist from Jerusalem and a Chassidic scholar. Enclosed is handwritten confirmation by the owners.
LOTE 42: Rare: 1 Shekel Banknote Given Directly by the Rebbe. 1 [old] Shekel banknote given directly by the Rebbe. Tears and taping - see pictures. This item is rare since the Rebbe usually handed out dollar bills. Enclosed is a picture of the bill with a signed confirmation by the recipient on its verso.
LOTE 43: 5 Shekalim Banknote Given Direcly by the Rebbe. 5 Shekalim banknote given directly by the Rebbe. Small tear to edge. Creases. Good condition. From the Estate of Rabbi Zvi Malov - a Chabadic activist of Jerusalem and a Chassidic researcher. Enclosed is handwritten confirmation by the owner.
LOTE 44: 100 Shekalim Banknote Given Directly by the Rebbe. 100 Shekalim (old) banknote given directly by the Rebbe. Fold. small tear. Good condition. From the Estate of Rabbi Zvi Malov - a Chabadic activist of Jerusalem and a Chassidic researcher. Enclosed is handwritten confirmation by the owner.
LOTE 45: $5 Bill Given Directly by the Rebbe - Shevat 22, 1992. $5 Bill Given Directly by the Rebbe. On it, a pen notation: "של... כב שבט תשנב". Enclosed is a picture of the bill with a signed confirmation by the owner on its verso.
LOTE 46: $1 Bill Given Directly by the Rebbe. From the Siyum of the Rambam Cycle, 1986. $1 bill given directly by the Rebbe. On its verso, a printed inscription: למשתתפי חגיגת סיום הרמב"ם - מחזור שני התשמ"ו מכבוד קדושת אדמו"ר שליט"א מליובאוויטש" (To participants of the celebration of the siyum of ...
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