Аукцион #18 jacov Jewelry Sale of collectibles and investment items only February 2023 at opening prices of the metal only

от Jacov Jewelry

HOLON, Израиль

Dear participants

****Sale #18 is a sale of collectibles and investment in metals only.

****Small catalog of 80 items at opening prices in the value of the metal only.

****You decide what the collectible value of the item is.

****Offers can be given from now on.

****You are welcome to contact us on WhatsApp 050-88-99-292.

Regarding any request for information, additional photos and questions. 

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Participants who are outside Israel and wish to participate in our sale must send us an address in Israel where your winnings can be sent to this email: jacovjewelry78@gmail.com

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80 лотов
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