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LOT 1:
Haggadah shel Pesach with Zevach Pesach Commentary by The Abarbanel. First Edition. Constantinople, 1506. Passover Haggadah with commentary by Don Yitzchak Abarbanel. This rare edition of the Haggadah was printed in Constantinople, Turkey over 500 years ago! It is one of the first printed ...
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LOT 2:
Jewish Library Classic! Haggadah shel Pesach with Ma'ase Hashem Commentary by Harav Eliezer Ashkenazy. First Edition. Venice, 1583 This work includes explanations of four episodes in the Torah: Story of Bereishis, Story of the Avos, Story of Egypt and Story of the Torah. This ...
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LOT 3:
This Haggadah was the prototype for all future prestigious Venetian Haggados. (Cecil Roth) IIllustrated Passover Haggadah. Venice, 1629 with Italian Translation & First Edition of the Tzli Eish commentary Beautiful Haggadah featuring over 50 illustrations and initials with the ...
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LOT 4:
One of the Most Beautifully Illustrated Haggados Ever Printed! Illustrated Venetian Haggadah shel Pesach with Ladino Translation. Venice, 1740 Passover Haggadah with dozens of spectacular illustrations, woodcuts and decorative initials. This Haggadah was printed with dark ink on thick ...
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LOT 5:
One of the Most Spectacular Haggados Ever Printed! Illustrated Venetian Haggadah according to Ashkenazic Rite. Venice, 1740 Magnificent Passover Haggadah featuring dozens of illustrations, woodcuts and ornamental initials, printed with dark ink on white paper. The title page bears the ...
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LOT 6:
Siddur Shaarei Rachamim-Shaarei Ratzon. Salonika, 1741 First Kabbalistic Haggadah! Haggadah shel Pesach with Customs and Spiritual Intentions of the Arizal. Beautiful set! First Kabbalistic Siddur: Order of Prayer for the entire year with intentions (Kavanos) of the Arizal ...
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LOT 7:
Kabbalistic Manuscript of Haggadah. Kabbalistic Haggadah by the famed Kabbalist Harav Nosson Shapira, Author of Matzas Shimurim. Italy, 18 century. Passover Haggadah with commentary based on the writings and sacred intentions of the Arizal by the famed kabbalist Harav Nosson Shapira ...
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LOT 8:
Astounding Discovery. Unknown Seder Berachos (Order of Blessings) Printed Entirely on Parchment. Bologna, 1537 Seder Brachos - Order of Blessings for the whole year, with illumination and instructions. Printed by members of the Guild of Silk-Weavers. Bologna, Italy 1537. This ...
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LOT 9:
Haggadah shel Pesach - Maaleh Beis Chorin with Map of Eretz Yisrael. Amsterdam, 1781. Passover Haggadah following the customs of Ashkenazic and Sephardic Jewry adorned with a map of Eretz Yisrael and copper-engraved illustrations. The Haggadah includes a detailed map of Eretz Yisrael and ...
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LOT 10:
Haggadah shel Pesach with Commentary by the Chida. First Edition. Simchas Haregel. Livorno, 1782 Passover Haggadah with commentary and novellae about the Festival by the Chida, Rabbeinu Chaim Yosef Dovid Azzulai. This Haggadah is printed with large capital letters and surrounded by ...
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LOT 11:
First Chassidic Haggadah! Haggadah shel Pesach with Chelkas Binyamin Commentary by the Maggid of Zolzitz. Lvov, 1794 Passover Haggadah complete with intentions (Kavanos) of the Arizal and kabbalistic commentary by the Chassidic master Harav Binyamin of Zolzitz, author of Turei Zahav ...
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LOT 12:
Most Popular Haggadah in Western Europe! Haggadah shel Pesach with Translation by Rabbi Wolf Heidenheim. Rödelheim, 1829 Passover Haggadah with precise translation by the renowned dikduk master Rabbi Wolf Heidenheim of Frankfurt with the commentary Maamar Afikoman by Rabbi Shimon ben ...
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LOT 13:
Sacred Manuscript by the Chasam Sofer zy”a Haggadah “K’ha Lachma Anya” with His Handwritten Commentary - - - K’Ha Lachmya Anya The Chasam Sofer’s custom was to recite the famous passage that begins the seder with the words “K’ha lachma anya, ” as opposed to the more prevalent ...
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LOT 14:
Haggadah by the Chasam Sofer’s Family. Haggadah Shel Pesach with Illustrations of the Chasam Sofer and Family. Vienna-Budapest, circa 1929. Haggadah Shel Pesach with translation and explanation in Hungarian by Rabbi Yehuda Singer of Verpelét, complete with illustrations and musical ...
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LOT 15:
“I discovered this in the writings of the chassid Harav Shimshon of Ostropoli zt”l…” Sacred Manuscript of the Chasam Sofer zy”a Handwritten novellae on the Torah portions Va’era and Bo regarding the verses discussing the Ten Plagues and Exodus from Egypt by the Chasam Sofer Harav Moshe ...
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LOT 16:
Teshuvah by the Daas Sofer regarding the Measurement of a K’zayis. Pressburg, 1922 A lengthy, handwritten and autographed Teshuvah by Hagaon Harav Akiva Sofer, Av Beis Din of Pressburg. In this Teshuvah, he notes his grandfather’s opinion on several occasions. He goes on to discuss the ...
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LOT 17:
Handwritten and Autographed Letter by the Maharshag Fascinating halachic query and responsum regarding if one fulfills the obligation of eating matzah by consuming precisely the amount of a k’zayis, since a k’zayis of matzah also contains water. “Since a k’zayis of matzah also ...
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LOT 18:
Handwritten and Autographed Teshuvah by Hagaon Harav Nesanel Hakohein Fried, Author of the Pnei Meivin. “Since a k’zayis of matzah also contains water, is it necessary to eat more than a k’zayis in order to fulfill the obligation of eating matzah?” Intriguing teshuvah regarding ...
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LOT 19:
How big is a k’zayis? Famous Handwritten Letter by the Steipler! The Chazon Ish’s Shiur K’zayis of Matzah “They measured the amount of a k’zayis before Maran [the Chazon Ish], and I [the Steipler] was present at the time.” Handwritten teshuvah regarding the actual amount of a ...
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LOT 20:
How Do You Calculate the Hour of Chatzos? Autographed Teshuvah by Harav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach Regarding Eating the Afikoman Anyone who eats the Afikoman by chatzos is familiar with the race to end Maggid and eat a quick Shulchan Orech in time to finish the Afikoman in time, following ...
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LOT 21:
Matzah Baking Instructions by Maharitz Dushinsky. Chust, 1925 Extremely rare! Instructions regarding the strict order, laws and customs of baking matzos by Hagaon Harav Yosef Tzvi Dushinsky, Av Beis Din of Chust. Maharitz Dushinsky was exceedingly cautious regarding the prohibition of ...
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LOT 22:
The Machine Matzah Debate “The Rebbe shlit”a reiterates his opinion that machine matzos are completely prohibited!” Original Letter Sent At the Avnei Nezer’s Behest to Rabbanim of Yerushalayim. 1908 The debate regarding the use of machine matzos was revived with the founding of ...
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LOT 23:
Handwritten & Autographed Teshuvah by Harav Pinchas Chaim Taub, Admor of Rozlo. 1923. Halachic Query Regarding Erev Pesach that Falls on Shabbos Relevant to This Year - 5781! When Erev Pesach falls on Shabbos, is it permissible to use matzah for lechem mishneh? This famous query ...
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LOT 24:
Handwritten Manuscript by Harav Yoel Teitelbaum of Satmar Shabbos Hachodesh Drashah. Karuli, 1931 “Hachodesh Hazeh Lachem Rosh Chodashim. This Month For You Is the First of the Months.” One handwritten leaf (2 sides) authored by the Satmar Rebbe, Hagaon Harav Yoel Teitelbaum zy”a . In ...
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LOT 25:
Postcard with Heartwarming Blessings by the Minchas Elazar. Munkacs, 1929 Best Wishes for Passover Letter of blessing by the Minchas Elazar of Munkacs Includes a handwritten blessing for “Joy, kashrus, salvations and great redemption in the world” during the upcoming festival of ...
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LOT 26:
Handwritten & Autographed Letter of Blessings for Pesach by Harav Meir Shapiro. Lublin, 1932 Best Wishes for Passover… “And my wishes to you…my dear friends and acquaintances who pursue spiritual ascent for a happy and kosher Festival” In this handwritten, autographed letter ...
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LOT 27:
Best Wishes for Pesach… “May you merit celebrating the Festival with bountiful joy…and may He show us wonders as in the days of the Exodus… Letter of Blessing signed by Harav Aharon Kotler zt”l. Kletsk, 1939 “In honor of the upcoming Festival of Pesach, it is my deepest pleasure to ...
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LOT 28:
Autographed Letter of Blessing in Honor of Pesach by the Lubavitcher Rebbe Harav Menachem Mendel Schneerson. Best Wishes for Passover 11 Nissan. The Lubavitcher Rebbe’s Birthday. “In honor of the imminent Festival of Pesach, a time of liberation…I hereby convey my heartfelt blessings ...
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LOT 29:
Haggadah shel Pesach according to the Customs of the Baghdadi Community of India. Calcutta, 1841 Haggadah shel Pesach based on the customs of the Baghdadi Jewish Community in India with translation into Arabic-Jewish dialect printed by Rabbi Elazar Hakohein Araki. Includes the famous ...
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LOT 30:
Haggadah from India - First Haggadah with Mahratti Translation. Bombay, 1846. Passover Haggadah in Hebrew with translation into Mahratti (Indian dialect) edited by Rabbi Chaim Yosef Haligoua. This is the first Passover Haggadah translated into Mahratti, the spoken Indian-Jewish dialect. The ...
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LOT 31:
Shir Hashirim with Commentary by Rabbi Avraham Halevi Temech. Sabbioneta, Italy, 1558 Rare miniature. This miniature Shir Hashirim was printed alongside the kabbalistic commentary of Chacham Rabbi Avraham Halevi Temech. Rabbi Avraham Halevi Temech was among the late 14th century sages ...
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LOT 32:
Essence of the Mitzvah of Sefiras Ha’Omer. Handwritten 6-Sided Essay by Rabbi Shimson Raphael Hirsch. Frankfurt, 1855. This handwritten 6-sided essay by Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch was written in German and contains numerous quoted verses and passages in Hebrew. Essay on Sefiras ...
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LOT 33:
Ohr HaChaim al HaTorah. First Edition. Venice, 1742 Complete, Pristine condition! Commentary on the Chumash by the Ohr Hachaim Hakaddosh Rabbeinu Chaim ben Attar. This sefer was published by the Ohr Hachaim himself while sojourning briefly in Italy en route from his native ...
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