June 11 All O Gauge Train Auction

от Elliott Auctions

1581 N. Main St. Attica, IN 47918, Соединенные Штаты

June 11th at 10am EDT Elliott Auctions will once again present a great selection of O gauge toy trains, accessories, track, switches, transformers and more. These will include but not be limited to Lionel, K-Line, Williams, Marx, Aristo-Craft, and others. Grades will range from new in original boxes, nicer collector C7-8 to operator and restoration type items. There will be a small but nice selection of paper ephemera and books. We will be previewing this auction with color pictures and descriptions on our website in the coming weeks. As always, we will be providing IN HOUSE shipping as well as pickups by appointment. We are still accepting consignments for this as well as other upcoming auctions of toy trains and other collectibles.

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