LOT 1: Tanach. Paris, 1539-1543 Pristine Set! 3 volumes * Beautiful printed Torah, Nevi’im and Kesuvim with large letters and wide margins. Printed in Paris between 1539-1543 by master printer Robert Stefanos, official printer for the French monarch. Complete 3-volume set, with each volume ...
LOT 2: Tzena U’re’ena. Hamburg, 1714 The most popular disseminated work in the history of Yiddish literature * Commentary and anthology of Midrashim and stories in Yiddish on the Chamishah Chumshei Torah, Haftaros and Five Megillos by Rabbi Yaakov ben Rabbi Yitzchak Ashkenazi of Yanov. Tzena ...
LOT 3: Torah “Tikkun Sofrim”, Amsterdam, 1726 Complete Set in Original Bindings* Complete set of Chamishah Chumshei Torah with Haftaros in 6 volumes with illustrated title pages in good condition. Each volume is bound in its original Amsterdam leather binding and features gilded engravings and ...
LOT 4: First Hebrew book printed in China! Part of Tanach. Stone Printing on Rice Paper. Shanghai, 1851 *Hebrew Tanach. Stone Printing on Rice Paper. Shanghai, 1851. Special edition facsimile of sections from an ancient Jewish Tanach that was in use in the Jewish community in Kaifeng ...
LOT 5: Yosef Daas, commentary on Rashi Singular Edition. Prague, 1609 * Comprehensive commentary on Rashi with illustrations. Commentary and elucidations explaining Rashi’s commentary on the torah by Rabbi Yosef ben Rabbi Yissachar Miklish from Prague. In this sefer, the author sought to ...
LOT 6: Shoresh Yishai by Rabbi Shlomo Elkabetz , Author of Lecha Dodi First Edition. Constantinople, 1561 * Kabbalistic commentary on Megillas Rus by Rabbi Shlomo Halevi Elkabetz, author of the Lecha Dodi. The saintly kabbalist Rabbi Shlomo ben Moshe Halevi Elkabetz (c.1505-c.1584) was ...
LOT 7: Iggeres Shmuel - Commentary on Megillas Rus First Edition. Kuru Chesme, 1597 Printing press of Donna Reyna * Printing press of Donna Reyna Commentary on Megillas Rus by the kabbalist Rabbi Shmuel de Uçeda, disciple of the Arizal. Includes the text of the megillah and Rashi’s commentary. ...
LOT 8: Binyan Habayis by the Author of Metzudos Livorno, 1782 Rare copy with large folded map!* Binyan Habayis by Rabbi Yechiel Hillel Altschuler presents a precise, detailed description of the structure of the Third Beis Hamikdash and division of Eretz Yisrael. The present copy includes ...
LOT 9: First Bomberg Edition! Talmud Bavli Maseches Yevamos Venice, 1522 * Maseches Yevamos with Rashi and Tosfos. Complete volume from the original Bomberg Edition of the Talmud printed by the celebrated Italian printer Daniel Bomberg of Venice. This edition was the first to include the ...
LOT 10: Rashba's Commentary on Talmud First Edition. Constantinople, 1720 Personal copy of the Korban Nesanel! *Personal autographed copy of the Korban Nesanel! First print of the Rashba’s chiddushim on Masechtos Shabbos, Rosh Hashanah, Megillah, Succah, Yevamos, Nedarim and Bava Kama.sefer ...
LOT 11: Shu”t HaRan First Edition. Rome, 1545 * Shailos and Teshuvos by Rabbi Nissim Girondi, the Ran. Tshuvos Hara”n is one of the fundamental sefarim in Halacha from the Rishonim and numbers along other sefarim of halachic responsa from the great rishonim as Teshuvos HaRashb”a, Teshuvos ...
LOT 12: Rabbeinu Yerucham First Edition. Constantinople, 1516 * Magnificent copy! The sefer contains 3 sections: Adam: Topics pertaining to Orach Chaim and Yoreh Deah Chava: Topics pertaining to Even Ha’ezer Meisharim: Topics pertaining to Choshen Mishpat A complete, impressive ...
LOT 13: Sefer “Kol Bo”, Soncino Print Rimini, Italy 1525 *Sefer Kol Bo Fundamental halachic work by one of the Rishonim on year-round halachos as well as an early commentary on Haggadah Shel Pesach, the identity of the Author has not been ascertained, the rulings of the Kol Bo are widely ...
LOT 14: Hilchos Shechitos U’Bedikos . Mantua, 1556 Rare, printed entirely on parchment! * This work contains two separate title pages: The first presents “The Laws of Shechitos by Mahari Weill with annotations by Rabbi Avraham ben Rabbeinu Peretz” and the second presents “The Laws of Bedikos by ...
LOT 15: Shu”t Tashbetz First Edition. Amsterdam, 1738 Beautiful copy with ornate hand painted parchment binding! * Shailos and Teshuvos by Rabbi Shimon bar Tzemach, the Rashbetz, artistically bound in its unique, original colored binding. The bookbinders of Amsterdam of the era were master ...
LOT 16: Arba Turim - Augsburg, 1540 Handwritten Glosses by Rabbi Yehoshua Boaz, Author of Shiltei Giborim * Arba Turim - Augsburg, 1540, with Handwritten Glosses by Rabbi Yehoshua Boaz, Author of Shiltei Giborim. Commentary and glosses on the Tur by the holy hand of Rabbi Yehoshua Boaz ...
LOT 17: She’aris Yehuda Salonika, 1600 Teshuvos by Rabbi Yosef Tiatchik * Chiddushim and glosses on Beis Yosef Yoreh Deah, along with halachic rulings and teshuvos by both Rabbi Shmuel Tiatchik, author of Piskei Mar Shmuel, and his brother Rabbi Yosef Tiatchik, author of Piskei Maharit. This ...
LOT 18: Shulchan Aruch. First Edition Impressive, Complete Set. Venice, 1565-1566 This is the premier edition of the Shulchan Aruch The foundation of all Jewish law! * Shulchan Aruch; Orach Chaim, Yoreh Deah, Even Haezer and Choshen Mishpat by Rabbi Yosef Karo. A complete set of all four parts ...
LOT 19: The Classic Commentators Magen Avraham & Taz First Edition. Dyhrenfurth, 1692 Beautiful copy! * Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim with the Turei Zahav commentary by Rabbi Dovid Halevi Segal, Av Beis Din of Lvov, and the Magen Avraham commentary by R abbi Avraham Abele Gombiner (circa ...
LOT 20: One of a kind! Elya Rabba First Edition. Zoltzbach, 1757 * Chiddushei halachah and commentary on Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim by Rabbi Elya Shapira, Av Beis Din of Tiktin , later a Rosh Yeshivah and famous lecturer in Prague. This is the first edition of one of the most fundamental ...
LOT 21: The Maginei Shlomo! Cracow, 1643 *Handwritten Teshuvah by Rabbi Yehoshua of Cracow, Author of Shu”t Pnei Yehoshua and Maginei Shlomo. Long teshuva regarding an agunah, with the signature, amendments and additions in the holy hand of the great sage Rabbi Yehoshua of Cracow, author of ...
LOT 22: Handwritten Teshuvah by the Holy Rabbi Akiva Eiger. Friedland, 1812 * Av Beis Din of Posna. Friedland, Early 19th Century An original handwritten teshuvah written by the holy hands of the legendary Rabbi Akivah Eiger of the greatest Achronim. The teshuvah is on Choshen Mishpat written to ...
LOT 23: Manuscript of Rabbi Akiva Eiger’s Shiurim in the Posna Yeshivah on Maseches Kesubos. Posna, 1819 * Rabbi Akiva Eiger’s chiddushim on maseches Kesubos delivered in the course of his shiurim to the talmidim in his yeshivah in Posna. Transcribed by Rabbi Akiva Eiger’s talmid, Rabbi Gavriel of ...
LOT 24: The Chasam Sofer’s Handwritten Chiddushei Torah! Pressburg, 1809 * These sacred handwritten chiddushim include five complete paragraphs on the following parshiyos: Shemini, Tazria, Kedoshim and Emor. (שמיני, תזריע, קדושים, אמור) with additional section of 6 lines on Parshas Behar. Toras ...
LOT 25: Pamphlet of Chiddushei Torah Handwritten by the Ksav Sofer Pressburg, 1862 * A complete, 11-sided pamphlet all written by the holy hand of Rabbi Avraham Shmuel Binyamin Sofer, Av Beis Din of Pressburg and author of Ksav Sofer. The kuntress features the Ksav Sofer’s handwritten chidushim on ...
LOT 26: Autographed Document by the Shevet Sofer Rabbinical Ordination Pressburg, 1903 * Original handwritten and autographed ‘Moreinu Certificate’ delivered by the Shevet Sofer, Rabbi Simcha Bunim Sofer, to his beloved pupil Rabbi Akiva Blau of Krasnow. Rabbi Simcha Bunim Sofer, the Shevet ...
LOT 27: Important Letter of Chiddushei Torah by Rabbi Akiva Sofer Pressburg, 1916 * A captivating letter regarding whether the brachah of ‘ Shehechiyanu ’ should be recited first upon a new fruit or upon the performance of a mitzvah, and whether it may be recited during the Three Weeks. The letter ...
LOT 28: Handwritten Chiddushei Torah by Rabbi Yaakov Leib Hakohen Strasser , Son-in-Law of the Ksav Sofer. Pressburg, 1903 * Personal handwritten letter replete with chiddushei Torah by Rabbi Yaakov Leib Hakohen Strasser of Pressburg, son-in-law of the Ksav Sofer and father of the illustrious ...
LOT 29: Handwritten Chiddushei Torah by Maharam Schick Yargen, 1838 * Handwritten chiddushim 12-Side Manuscript on maseches Gittin by Rabbi Moshe Schick, Av Beis Din of Chust and author of Maharam Schick. This Kuntress opens with a handwritten inscription by Maharam Schick: “B’ezras Hashem ...
LOT 30: Manuscript: Chiddushim by Rabbi Yehuda Greenwald ABD of Satmar, 1907 * This manuscript by Rabbi Yehuda Greenwald, Av Beis Din of Satmar contains chiddushim on various sugyos in Shas. The flyleaf presents a handwritten index of the sugyos referenced in this manuscript, and the back flyleaf ...
LOT 31: Letter of Chiddushei Torah by Rabbi Yosef Pressburger Raavad of Mattersdorf, 1904 * An in-depth, scholarly letter on the topic of kinyan chatzer , handwritten and autographed by Rabbi Yosef Pressburger, Raavad of Mattersdorf. Rabbi Yosef Pressburger was a close disciple of the Ksav ...
LOT 32: Autographed Chiddushei Torah by Rabbi Yehuda Leib Friedman Raavad of Pressburg. 1900 * Handwritten and autographed letter replete with chiddushei Torah by Rabbi Yehuda Leib Friedman, a disciple of the Shevet Sofer and author of Shu”t HaRiva”d. The letter focuses on the topic of davar ...
LOT 33: Letter of Chidushi Torah by Rabbi Yitzchak Weiss , Av Beis Din of Vrbové. 1938 * Handwritten and autographed letter by Rabbi Yitzchak Weiss of Vrbové Hy”d, author of Shu”t Siach Yitzchak and brother of Rabbi Sheftel Weiss of Shimano. The letter is addressed to Rabbi Chaim Reuven Klein, Av ...
LOT 34: Letter by Rabbi Shimon Sofer , Av Beis Din of Paks Szendrő, 1907 * This letter, replete with divrei Torah and other topics, was handwritten and autographed by Rabbi Shimon Sofer, son of the Yalkut Eliezer and Av Beis Din of Szendrő and Paks, Hungary. The letter opens with Rabbi Shimon’s ...
LOT 35: Letter of Chiddushei Torah by Rabbi Nesanel Hakohen Fried , author of Pnei Meivin Ivaresh, circa 1905 * Long letter of chiddushei Torah regarding the halachic aspects of a “ chatzi shiu r (half of an required amount)”. The letter was handwritten and autographed by Rabbi Nesanel Hakohen ...
LOT 36: 3 Handwritten & Autographed Teshuvos Rabbi Aharon Moshe Toibesh , Author of Karnei Re’em Iasi, 1841 * 3 Handwritten & Autographed Teshuvos Kuntress of handwritten teshuvos by Rabbi Aharon Moshe Toibesh, Av Beis Din of Iasi and its vicinities, and author of Karnei Re’em on the ...
LOT 37: The Rambam’s first sefer! Milos Hahigayon L’HaRambam. Venice, 1550 * Milos HaHigayon (the art of logic), Definitions and explanations of 175 fundamental philosophical concepts by the Ramba”m (Rabbenu Moshe ben Maimon) This sefer features two commentaries (one long and one short) by an ...
LOT 38: Mishneh Torah L’HaRambam . Venice, 1550 Rare!!! Printed entirely on parchment! Sefer Nashim - Kedushah. Giustiniani Press * Mishneh Torah L’HaRambam, volumes Nashim and Kedushah with Migdal Oz and Maggid Mishneh commentaries. This edition was edited and proofread by the great Italian sages ...
LOT 39: Mishneh Torah L’HaRambam with Kessef Mishneh First Edition. Complete Set. Venice, 1574-1576 Rare, spectacular set! * Printed during the Kessef Mishneh’s lifetime! Mishneh Torah L’HaRambam with the first edition of Kessef Mishneh by Rabbi Yosef Karo, author of the Beis Yosef and ...
LOT 40: Incunable! Sefer Hashorashim by the Radak Naples, 1491 * Fundamental work of Hebrew language including the roots of all words in lashon hakodesh presented in alphabetical order, along with their definitions and sources in Tanach by Rabbi Dovid Kimchi, the Radak. Complete copy, including the ...
LOT 41: Tzuras Ha’Aretz by Rabbi Avraham Hanassi, Basel, 1546. First book on astronomy written in Hebrew! * Fundamental Sefer Sefer Tzuras HaAretz by Rabbi Avraham Hanassi ben Rabbi Chiyya HaSephardi Fundamental work on astronomy regarding the structure of the earth and orbits of the planets ...
LOT 42: Fundamental Sefer on Astronomy Yeshua B’Yisrael on the Constellations Frankfurt am Main, 1720 Illustrated work with distinguished provenance! * Explanation of the Rambam’s laws of Hilchos Kiddush Hachodesh by Rabbi Yehonasan Ruzhinai, the premier commentator on laws of Kiddush Hachodesh. ...
LOT 43: Original Jewish Medical book Maaseh Tuviah with Author’s Portrait Venice, 1707 * Maaseh Tuviah by Rabbi Tobias Cohn. Includes pertinent information regarding diseases, remedies, and the arts of medicine and surgery with many illustrations. As well as a comprehensive philosophical work on ...
LOT 44: First Jewish History Book! The Book of Yosifun (Josephus) Venice, 1544 * Jewish Library Classic! The history of the Jewish people beginning with the eras of the Babylonian kingdom, Alexander the Great, and Roman wars until the destruction of the 2nd temple by first-century ...
LOT 45: History Tzemach Dovid HaChadash by Rabbi Dovid Ganz Frankfurt am Main, 1692 * The history of the Jewish and gentile nations beginning with Creation up until the times of the author Rabbi Dovid Ganz, one of the leading disciples of both the Rem”a and Maharal of Prague. Tzemach Dovid is ...
LOT 46: Autographed Halachic Ruling by the Holy Rabbi Yehuda ben Attar & Rabbanim of Fez. 1709 * Autographed psak din by Rabbanim of Fez, most notably among them Rabbi Yehuda ben Attar. Rabbi Yehuda ben Attar (1655-1733), Av Beis Din of Fez, was a close relative of the Ohr Hachaim Hakadosh ...
LOT 47: Personal Emissary Letter of the Tzaddik Rabbi Amram ben Divan while Journeying to Morocco. 1763 * Emissary letter signed by the great Rabbanim of Hebron, recommending the tzaddik Rabbi Amram ben Divan who traveled from his native Hebron to Morocco as a Rabbinical emissary to raise funds ...
LOT 48: Premier historical source for Jewish life in Jerusalem Sefer Hatakanos V’Haskamos Jerusalem, 1842 * Regulations, rulings, customs and practices observed in the holy city of Jerusalem as established by local Rabbanim, edited and prepared for print by the Rishon Letzion Rabbi Chaim Avraham ...
LOT 49: Letter by Leading Jerusalem Rabbanim to Lady Judith Montefiore Jerusalem, 1853 * Letter of blessing and thanks to Lady Judith Montefiore, wife of Sir Moses Montefiore, for her generous contribution to the Bikur Cholim and Hachnassas Kallah Societies in Jerusalem. The letter is signed by ...
LOT 50: Letter from Rabbanim of Tzfas to Sir Moses Montefiore Tzfas, 1859 * Handwritten letter dispatched by Rabbi Shmuel Heller and Rabbi Refael ‘Hamalach’ Maman, both Rabbanim of Tzfas to Sir Moses Montefiore. The letter expresses their gratitude and blessings for Montefiore’s generous donation to ...
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