Von Converse Auctions

1 Spring Street Paoli, PA 19301 USA, Vereinigte Staaten

January Collectible Sale January 26th @noon ET Online Only Sale - Vintage Philadelphia Transit Trolley Destination Route Roll Signs, Pennsylvania Railroad Locomotive Images - International Antique Dolls: Antique Lenci Italian Felt Doll, German Kathe Kruse Cloth Doll, Large Jane Doll & Simon & Halbig Dolls, Kammer & Reinhardt Doll, Organ Grinder & Monkey - Comics: Marvel, New X-Men #128 CGC 9.6 1st Famtomx Marvel 2002, Powers of X #1 Unknown Comics Edition CGC 9.8 & Many more! - Victor Talking Machine Victrola - Sports Memorabilia: Mike Schmidt Signed Baseball, Ted Williams & Joe DiMaggio Signatures with COA - Nintendo Consoles & PlayStation Games - Disney Pooh & Friends Figurines & Toys - Hubley Cast Iron Trains Normandie Pennsylvania Railroad - Hall Lobster Casserole Dishes Set of 6 - Tools & Power Tools - Books, Cookbooks, Ephemera

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