Huge Estate: TONS of Antique & Vintage Items!
3739 Old Columbus Rd. NW Carroll OH 43112, Estados Unidos
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Enormous amount of antique and vintage furniture and collectibles!! Early 1800s to 1970s furniture and household items. Great collectibles: clocks, pottery, china, glass art, glassware, crystal, paperweights, books, framed art, rugs, lamps, stamps, maps, banks, inkwells, postcards, ephemera, and historical items from Steubenville, Ohio area. Antique & vintage dolls (Raggedy Ann & Andy, Annie, Cabbage Patch, Super Mario, Mr. T, Campbell's Soup dolls, Barbies, Brooke Shields doll, and Star Trek Barbie & Ken), doll furniture, kids furniture, tea sets, and vintage toys (Tonka, Coca-Cola, & tin toys). Antique linens, quilts, sewing machines, crocks, jugs, telephones, typewriter, fans, fire hose nozzles and brass fittings. A Hammond organ, player piano with music rolls, cornet, turn table, records, and vintage and new in box stereo equipment. Antique and vintage cookware, household appliances, cookbooks, and home decor. Vintage clothes, wedding dress, furs, shoes, hats and military uniforms. Lots of marble topped dressers and tables, beds, desks, chairs, and an unusual antique wooden baby swing. Vintage MCM items, Christmas decor, tinsel tree, and Lusterware. Garage tools, freezer, and so much more!
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