LOTE 151: Kollel Polin, expenses and income - distribution of staples and more. Collection (12) of booklets and parts of booklets with names of Rebbes and Rabbanim as well as other inscriptions, from approximately 1927/57.Varying size and condition. General Condition: Fair - Good. Collection is for ...
LOTE 152: Kollel Polin, construction expenses of the homes - liens of distributions to pay for the houses - contributions from Rebbes and their distribution - lien certificates and more. Collection of 4 booklets from approximately 1925/30.Total 4 booklets, one of them mostly empty. Varying size and ...
LOTE 153: Kollel Polin - the Ashkenazaic Committee for the Jews of Jerusalem- Histadrut Poalei Agudas Yisrael - a map of the chelkah of Kolel Warsaw on the Mount of Olives and the names of those buried there. Huge collection of more than 250 letters - signatures and documents. 1910...1945 More than ...
LOTE 154: Kollel Polin - Va'ad Haklali HaAshkenazi, collection (17) of letters and signatures from Rabbanim.Harav Zvi Pesach Frank - Harav Benzion Yadler - Harav Yosef Frokosh (Czenstochov) - Harav Avraham Chaim Noeh and more. Total 17 pages of varying size and condition. General Condition: Good. ...
LOTE 164: The Rebbe Harav Hershele of Kretchnif joins the Eidah Hachareidis; his application form with his holy signature. Jerusalem 1946. Jerusalem 1946. Official stationery, "Eidah Hachareidis Prushim Vachassidim City Council for the Ashkenazi Community." 13.5/22 cm. Condition: Very Good. הצטרפות ...
LOTE 171: Harav Yosef Duber HaLevi Soloveichik, son of the Brisker Rav, joins the Eidah Hachareidis, application form with his signature. Jerusalem 1946 Jerusalem 1946. Official stationery, "Eidah Hachareidis Prushim Vachassidim City Council for the Ashkenazi Community." 13.5/22 cm. Condition: Very ...
LOTE 175: "May we be zocheh to always deliver and hear good tidings, " letter by Harav Yitzchak Isaac Sher, Rosh Yeshivas Slabodka. Personal stationery. 21.5/25.5 cm. 15 handwritten lines plus his signature. Tears in the margins and a tear in the center of thee page with slight damage to the text. ...
LOTE 176: "It would seem that the first eitzah is certainly good, even for those who are stringent, but I do not issue rulings lemaaseh , especially in Yerushalayim... consult with my esteemed father-in-law Harav Elyashiv shlit"a ." Respnse penned by Harav Chaim Kanievsky. Postcard with his signature on ...
LOTE 177: Kadesh li kol bechor , commitment bli neder not to speak during the first hour of learning. Interesting document signed by Harav Yisrael Mordechai of Rachmastrivka and the members of the kollel . 1956 1956. Approximately 16.9/5 cm. Tears at the fold lines and margins. Scotch tape on the ...
LOTE 178: Historic document! Transfer of rights of Yeshivas Me'ah Shearim, signed by its founder and Rosh Yeshivah, Harav Shaul Chaim Halevi Horowitz, the Dubrovner Rav, and Badatz Ashkenazim Vechassidim. Jerusalem 1912. Jerusalem 1912. Official document paper. 24/39.5 cm. Tears and tapings at the ...
LOTE 182: Collection of 7 letters of recommendation, signature of Harav Yaakov Meir Shechter - Maran Harav Shteinman (2 signatures) - Harav Michel Yehudah Lifkowitz and more. Total of 7 letters of varying size and condition. General Condition: Good - Very Good. אוסף 7 מכתבי המלצה, חתימת הגה"צ רבי ...
LOTE 183: "May the likes of him increase among the Jewish People... prior to the war, too, he studied at Yeshivas Shaar HaTorah in the city of Horodna (Grodno, under Harav Shimon Shkop), " important and interesting confirmation of studies handwritten by the Steipler. 1861. Personal stationery. 14.5/22 ...
LOTE 184: "It is fitting to tell [others] about him and publicize that he is a special person..." interesting letter written and signed by Harav Shmuel Rozovsky regarding his school friend Harav Shimon Shkop. Official stationery of Yeshivas Ponevizh. Bnei Brak, 1961. 20.5/26.5 cm. 16 handwritten lines ...
LOTE 187: "... the results of which are liable to affect the entire yeshivah world . The bachurim must all, without exception, be present in the beis medrash beginning at 3:15." Historic letter signed by the roshei yeshivah of Yeshivas Kol Torah, Harav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach - Harav Konstadt and Harav ...
LOTE 189: Rabbinic ordination for a shochet , handwritten and signed by Harav Shimshon Aharon Polansky, the Teplikker Rav. Personal stationery. Jerusalem 1939. 21.5/27.5 cm. 9 lines in his holy hand, his signature and stamp. Condition: Very Good. סמיכה לשוחט ובודק בכ"י וחתימת גאון ההוראה רבי שמשון ...
LOTE 194: Lengthy (4 pages) personal and interesting letter containing divrei Torah from the Brisker Rav, handwritten and signed by Harav Avraham Farbstein. 14/19.5 cm, four pages of writing. General Condition: Very Good. מכתב ארוך(4 עמודים) אישי ומעניין, עם דברי תורה מהרב מבריסק, בכתב יד וחתימת ...
LOTE 195: Lengthy letter of recommendation, warm and hearty, handwritten and signed by the Gaavad of Eidah Hachareidis, Harav Zelig Reuvin Bengis. Jerusalem 1949. Jerusalem, 1949. 21/32.5 cm. Pad paper. 20 lines of his holy writing, plus his signature and stamp. Filing holes and tears, mainly in the ...
LOTE 198: "Great are the deeds of Yeshivas Hamasmidim... the gathering marking the tenth anniversary of Yeshivas Hamasmidim's existence is important." Interesting letter of recommendation written and signed by Harav Yechezkel Abramsky, author of Chazon Yechezkel. Jerusalem 1959. Personal stationery. ...
LOTE 199: Letter of recommendation in honor of Yeshivas Hamasmidim's tenth-anniversary gathering written and signed by Harav Akiva Sofer, the Daas Sofer of Pressburg. 1959. Personal stationery. 15.5/23.5 cm. 14 lines in his holy hand plus his signature. Filing holes. Fold lines. Condition: Very Good. ...
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